Detroit Notebook.

Information about Detroit, written by Anthony Ratkov.

Protests In Detroit.


March 6, 1932. The Ford Hunger March. A protest against the Ford Motor company. Protesters carried signs that said 'Ford Hunger March Anti-War Protest Meeting'.


1938: Protesters in Detroit protested against the Nazi regime in Germany. The protest was held in front of the German consulate on  Woodward Avenue.


June 23, 1963. Civil rights march in Detroit was led by Martin Luther King.


October 12, 1967. Anti-war protest. Hundreds of protesters marched on Woodward Avenue to protest against the Vietnam War.


April 15, 1970. There was a protest against the Vietnam war in Detroit.

April 22, 1970. To commemorate the 'Earth Day' holiday, students from Henry Ford Community College protested at the Ford Motor Company. Several of them rode bicycles to the protest, to promote bikes as an alternative to cars. They protested against air pollution caused by car exhaust.    


May 6, 1975. Protesters marched in front of the federal building in Detroit to protest against court-ordered busing for school integration. 


April 24, 1979. It was reported by the Detroit News that there was a protest march in Detroit by  Armenian-Americans at Kennedy Square to commemorate the anniversary of the Armenian genocide.


April, 1989. Black students at Wayne State University had an 11-day event called the Study-In.   A group called the African-American Students Of Wayne State presented a list of 17 demands that was delivered to Wayne State president David Adamany on April 17, 1989.

June 28, 1989.  Chinese college students protested against Chinese regime, at Chrysler headquarters. About 50 protesters went to the headquarters of Chrysler Corporation in Highland Park to protest against Chrysler's dealings with China. The students were protesting against the Chinese army's attacks on student protesters in China , and criticized a joint venture that Chrysler had developed with the Chinese. Chrysler Corporation had established a Jeep factory in China and the students were carrying signs that  said 'No Jeep For Killers'. Most of the students attending the protest were from the University of Michigan, Michigan State University and two colleges in Ohio, Bowling Green University and University of Toledo.


November 28, 1991. Protesters set up a tent village in Detroit, and they were living in tents to protest against the state government's cancellation of the general assistance program. Some protesters said that they had become homeless when their welfare checks were cut off.  The protest was organized by a group called the Michigan Up And Out Of Poverty Now Coalition.


July 20, 1996. A small group of white protesters gathered outside the office of U.S. representative Barbara Rose-Collins to protest against remarks made by Rose-Collins. She had said that she liked individual whites, but hated the white race.


January 18, 1997. A group of newspaper workers (and about 100 of their supporters) who were on strike gathered on the American side of the Ambassador bridge and blocked traffic coming in from Canada. Traffic was held up for about half-an-hour, then the group marched to the Detroit-Windsor tunnel and blocked the tunnel entrance for several minutes. After that, they tried to march towards Cobo Hall and picket in front of Cobo Hall (while the Auto Show was  being held) but were stopped by police.  


September 12, 1998. Belle Isle. Protest march was reported on Belle Isle. Some  protesters carried signs that showed support for the Detroit newspaper strike.


March 30, 1999. Anti-war protest in Detroit to protest against the war in Yugoslavia. Over one thousand protesters marched at the McNamara Federal Building in downtown Detroit to protest against the bombing  of Yugoslavia.

April 16, 1999. President Clinton visited Detroit, and he spoke to a group of people in Roseville, at the Roseville Recreation Center. While Clinton was in Roseville, there was a protest on Gratiot Avenue near 11 Mile road. The protesters were mostly Albanian Americans who supported Clinton in his was against Serbs in Yugoslavia. It was said that pro-war Albanian protesters outnumbered anti-war Serbian protesters.

May 21, 1999. Protest in Detroit, against the war in Yugoslavia.


April 16, 2001. Protest at Rite Aid pharmacy in northwest Detroit. About 80 protesters marched around the parking lot  of a Rite Aid store to protest the death of a woman named Alwanda Person-Jackson. She was killed April 6, 2001 in a fight with the store's security guard. According to the story, she tried to steal a package of cigars and other items from the Rite Aid store, when three store employees tried to stop her. The story claims that she was tied up and strangled to death with an electrical cord by  store employees and a security guard. According to news reports, she was the third person in the Detroit area to die after being attacked by store security guards in the past ten months.  

December 22, 2001. More than 80 people protested in front of Dearborn city hall. They were protesting against a recent campaign of interrogating Arabs, as part of an anti-terrorist effort.  They chanted: "Our Arab neighbors are under attack, what do we do, stand  up and fight back!"


March 18, 2006. Hundreds of protesters gathered in downtown Detroit to protest against the war in Iraq. This protest was held on the third anniversary of the occupation of Iraq. 

October 1, 2006. Albanians in Detroit protested against the violent repression of Albanians in Montenegro. The protests were organized by the Albanian American association 'Malesia e Madhe'.


October 19, 2008.  Nearly 1,000 union members marched to support workers rights at the McNamara federal building in downtown Detroit. 


November 17, 2011. About 31 union members protested in front of the Coleman Young Municipal Center. They were protesting against Mayor David Bing's plans for job cuts. The workers were members of AFSCME Local 207.


April 18, 2012. A news story on a website published April 29, 2012 said that nearly 200 students who participated in a protest on April 18, 2012 were suspended from school. According to the story, the students walked out of school. One of these walkouts was at Douglass Academy, and the  reason for the protest was said to be the closing of Southwestern High School. The story also said there was a student walkout in March, 2012 at Denby High School.

June 2, 2012. A story published in the June 3, 2012 issue of the Macomb Daily said that about 200 people held a protest rally on June 2, 2012 to protest against an illegal drug known as K2. The rally was held in front of a gas station in Shelby Township that had been selling the drug.

July 8, 2012. A group calling itself Occupy Detroit (which was claimed to be affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protests (and the nationwide 'Occupy' protests in general) organized protests at the home of a woman named Jenifer Britt. Jennifer Britt had bought a house in Detroit, with her husband Leon, and after her husband died and she lost her job, she had difficulty paying her mortgage. People organized a vigil around her house, and said they would park their cars in front of trucks, to prevent the trucks from taking away Jennifer Britt's belongings if she was evicted. Various websites claimed several different dates for this protest, the earliest date recorded for a protest in front of Jennifer Britt's house was July 8, 2012, and some websites claimed that there were protesters keeping a vigil around her house every day, to prevent her from being evicted. Some websites claimed that these protests  continued through the month of July, 2012 and went on into August, 2012.

July 26, 2012. Detroit police officers, and other municipal union members including fire fighters picketed at city hall to protest against a ten-percent pay cut and cuts in fringe benefits proposed by mayor David Bing.

August 10, 2012. Union members from Detroit's public-safety unions protested in front of the mayor's mansion to speak out against pay cuts and union busting. One fireman complained that the budget cuts were forcing him to lose 22 percent of his pay.

October 6, 2012. Anti-Detroit rally. An anti-Detroit rally was  staged by Detroit police officers, who wanted to degrade Detroit's image and encourage people to stay out of Detroit. This rally was held in front of Comerica park, a baseball stadium located on Woodward Avenue in the middle of downtown Detroit. This location was probably chosen because it is a popular destination for suburbanites who come into the inner city to watch baseball games. The police were sending a message to suburbanites, and the message was: you should stay out of Detroit. The police passed out leaflets to people, the leaflets said: 'Attention, Enter Detroit At Your own Risk', and 'Detroit is America's most violent city, Detroit's homicide rate is the highest in the country [and] Detroit's police department is grossly understaffed'. The leaflet concluded  with the phrase 'No Police, No Peace'.

September 26, 2012. About 50 people marched near the corner of Michigan and Martin  in southwest Detroit to protest against violence in their neighborhood. Their march was to draw attention to a 15-year-old teenager who was shot to death in the neighborhood recently.

December 13, 2012. A crowd of about 250 protesters marched at the State Office Building in Detroit to protest against an anti-union law passed by the Michigan state government (the so-called 'right-to-work' law).


April 17, 2013. There was a protest at Saint Gabriel Catholic Church in southwest Detroit, to urge the federal government to pass an immigration reform bill. The protest was organized by Michigan United, a coalition of religious, labor, and community groups.


May 1, 2014. Protesters marched from Clark Park in southwest Detroit to Grand Circus park in downtown Detroit to protest against Kevyn Orr and Rick Snyder.

May 1, 2014. A group of protesters gathered in downtown Detroit, to protest against pension cuts. 

July 18, 2014. More than 1,000 people in Detroit protested against water shutoffs, some of them stood in front of trucks and blocked the passage of trucks. Nine people were arrested. The city of Detroit's government had been shutting off water service to people who had not paid their water bills, and protesters gathered at a facility used by a company that had been hired to assist in the shutoffs, the company was Homrich Wrecking on East Grand Boulevard, nine people were arrested when they blocked the driveway of Homrich wrecking, and tried to stop the trucks.

August 3, 2014. A group protested against Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza region of Israel, this protest was held on the street in front of the headquarters of the Zionist Organization of America. The crowd chanted, 'Tell me why, tell me why, Why do children have to die?'

November 25, 2014. A group of protesters blocked traffic on the Mack Avenue exit of I-75 and another group protested at the corner of Gratiot and Harper in Detroit. There were also protests at the Campus Martius and at Monroe Street downtown. The protesters were protesting about a court decision that was made in Ferguson, Missouri the previous day. A judge in Ferguson decided that a police officer named Darren Wilson  wouldn't be charged in the death of Michael Brown. Five protesters in Detroit were arrested.  


April 1, 2015. Protest in Inkster over the beating of a 57-year old Detroit man named Floyd Dent. According to reports, Floyd Dent was pulled over by the police in January , 2015 when he failed to stop at a stop sign.  Inkster officers then pulled him out of his car and beat him. Dent was arrested for resisting arrest, assault and cocaine possession. Dent claimed that the police planted the cocaine on him.  


March 8, 2016. About 100 people marched to the Belle Isle bridge in Detroit, in a civil-rights protest.

April 14, 2016. Protest by workers at a Mc Donalds restaurant in Highland Park, one of several protests at restaurants around Michigan. The purpose of the protest was to draw attention to workers' demands for a $15-an-hour wage.

June 25, 2016. There was a protest at Detroit Metro Airport by airplane pilots who worked for Delta Airlines. Pilots walked a picket line to protest a contract dispute with the airline.

April 27, 2016. There was a protest on Livernois Avenue, against crime and violence. The organizers of the protest were from a group called New Era Detroit. There were more  than 70 protesters, who shut down Livernois Avenue, and would not allow rush hour traffic to proceed on Livernois Avenue.

July 8, 2016. Hundreds of protesters gathered at Campus Martius in downtown Detroit to protest against the killings of two blacks by police officers, one black man was killed by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, another black man was killed by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  

August 8, 2016. Protesters gathered at Cobo Hall in downtown Detroit to protest against a speech made by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Estimates of the size of the crowd vary, some estimates said there were about 100 protesters outside the building, some say there were about 200 protesters outside. News reports said that 14 protesters were removed from the building because they disrupted Donald Trump's speech.

August 11, 2016. A group of about a dozen protesters gathered on the sidewalk in front of a  manufacturing company called Futuramic, located in Warren, near the corner of Ten Mile and Hoover,  because Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was giving a speech there.

November 9, 2016. Approximately 100 protesters marched on Woodward Avenue to protest against Donald Trump. There was also a protest against Trump at a school in Royal Oak.

December 10, 2016. Hundreds of people gathered in a protest in downtown Detroit, the protest was in favor of election reform. The protest was inspired by a court decision that denied candidates a recount appeal in a recent election. Dr. Jill Stein was at the protest, Stein had run for office as a Green Party candidate and lost, and then demanded a recount. According to one account of the story, 97 voting machines broke down in Detroit on election day.


February 11, 2017. Anti-abortion protests in Detroit and Ferndale. There were hundreds of people in the crowd, which stretched on for several blocks, the Planned Parenthood clinic was targeted.

February 13, 2017. Protest at Hardee's restaurant in Hazel Park. Dozens of people protested for a $15-an-hour minimum wage, and also protested against Donald Trump.

February 16, 2017. People protested against jail takeover by Daniel Gilbert. The protest was in the Wayne County Commission building, and was described as an 'angry' protest, with people shouting and climbing over chairs and furniture. A new jail that was being built in downtown Detroit had been partially built, but construction on the jail was stopped, because the cost of construction had gone beyond budget limits. That's when  billionaire real-estate developer Daniel Gilbert stepped in to take over the jail, with plans to demolish the partially-constructed jail and build an entertainment venue on the property, instead.

February 16, 2017. Pro-immigration protest at Clark park in Detroit, basically a protest against Donald Trump's immigration policies.

February 17, 2017. People gathered in front of a school administration building, to protest against plans to close several schools in Detroit, the size of the crowd was estimated at between 50 and 100 people.

February 24, 2017. Protest against threat to close schools.

February 28, 2017. Protest outside federal courthouse at the federal building in downtown Detroit. The protest was against a deportation hearing for an Arab who was threatened with deportation. An Arab from Jordan named Yousef Ajin had lived in the U.S.A. for 18 years but had not officially been granted citizenship.   A crowd of protesters gathered at the federal building to protest against his possible deportation. Ajin had been convicted of stealing a credit card in June, 2001.

March 4, 2017. Protest outside a Donald Trump rally at Freedom Hill in Sterling Heights. Police broke up a fight.

March 8, 2017. Children were used to march in a protest at a Detroit public school called the 'Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy'. About 60 students and their parents were involved in the march, the protest was against a teacher shortage at the school.

March 28, 2017. Protest in front of the Warren city hall. Protesters called for Mayor James Fouts to resign. Six petitions to recall Fouts had been dismissed the previous day.

April 1, 2017. Anti-Trump  protest in Ferndale. Hundreds of people in Ferndale protested against President Donald Trump.

April 13, 2017. Protest against plan to build new jail, at a Wayne County board meeting. Protesters unfurled a banner that said 'No new jails, no old jails'. Police arrived and the protesters left the building, one protester was arrested outside.

April 17, 2017. Protest outside of the Levin Court Building, the reason for the protest was a case of 'female genital mutilation', the genitals of two girls were mutilated by a doctor. Cases of female genital mutilation had been reported in Africa,  but this was the first time a case of female genital mutilation had been prosecuted in the U.S.A.

April 22, 2017. Protest march in downtown Detroit, as part of Earth Day protests that were held all over the country.

April 25, 2017. Approximately 50 people protested in front of the federal court house in downtown Detroit. They were protesting the deportation order issued by a federal judge for a Palestinian Arab. The judge ruled that the woman  made false statements to obtain permission to stay in the U.S.A.

May 5, 2017. About 250 students at Avondale high school in Auburn Hills staged a 'sit-in' protest.

May 7, 2017. About 2000 people marched at a pro-Israel rally in West Bloomfield.

May 27, 2017. A group called NOCIRC of Michigan stated a protest against circumcision at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Their protest was a reaction to the arrest of Doctor Jumana Nagarwala on charges of mutilating the genitals of young girls. NOCIRC says that circumcising male babies is a crime, and so they protested. The people in the NOCIRC protest wore costumes, the costumes were white pants and white shirts, with a red spot painted on the crotch of each costume, the red spot was intended to look like a blood stain.  The protesters tried to make a point by saying if mutilating the genitals of a girl is illegal, it should also be illegal to circumcise a boy, since circumcision  essentially alters, or mutilates the boy's genitals. They had a little girl holding a sign that said 'Cut me, go to jail, cut my brother, get paid!'

June 12, 2017. Iraqi Christians (Chaldeans) in Sterling Heights protested against the deportation of several Iraqis.  There were estimated to be 80 Iraqis in the protest. It was reported that some Iraqis tried to block buses that were taking people away for deportation. The Iraqis were being deported for felony convictions.

June 16, 2017. Protest by Iraqi Chaldeans at the federal building in downtown Detroit, over the deportation of Iraqis.

June 18, 2017. Protest by Iraqi Chaldeans at the corner of 15 Mile and Ryan, over the deportation of Iraqis.  

June 19, 2017. Protest in Southfield, by Iraqi Chaldeans over the deportation of Iraqis.

July 15, 2017. Protest march at Eastern Market in Detroit, protesters were protesting against the Michigan Department  of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), they said the MDEQ was discharging toxic waste.

July 28, 2017. A protest about the housing shortage and housing policies was reported in Detroit.

August 19, 2017. A group of about 50 people gathered at the statue of Christopher Columbus in downtown Detroit and demanded that the statue should be removed.

September 4, 2017. Protest for higher minimum wage in Detroit. Workers at a Mc Donald's restaurant in West Grand Boulevard walked off the job and marched to Henry Ford Hospital, where they made speeches demanding a minimum wage of $15 an hour, this was part of a series of protests across the country that used the slogan 'Fight For Fifteen'. Several politicians also attended the protest and made speeches, including Coleman Young II, Debbie Dingell, and  Mary Waters.

September 5, 2017. Hundreds of people gathered at Clark Park, to protest against a change in U.S. immigration policy.

September 12, 2017. Approximately 200 people protested against a concert held at the New Little Ceasar's hockey arena. The concert was by Robert Ritchie, who had displayed a confederate flag at several of his previous concerts.

October 25, 2017. Approximately 200 people gathered on Gratiot Avenue, near the corner of State Fair and Gratiot to protest an incident that involved the Michigan state police using a taser on a teen-ager who was riding an ATV. A 15-year-old teen-ager named Damon Grimes was riding an ATV near the corner of Rossini and Gratiot on August 26, 2017, when Michigan state police told him to stop. When he didn't stop, the police shocked him with a taser (an electric shock weapon). Damon Grimes was disoriented by the taser, and as a result, he lost control of the ATV, crashed into a parked truck and was killed. Several people who attended the protest were riding ATV's.

November 8, 2017. Protesters gathered outside a restaurant in Warren, to protest against a speech made by Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon is a right-wing politician who had briefly worked in the Trump administration before Trump fired him. He spoke at the Andiamo restaurant in Warren to a gathering of republicans. Protesters gathered outside the restaurant and carried signs and chanted 'Donald Trump has got to go'.

November 9, 2017. Protesters gathered at the Marathon oil refinery. There had been an ongoing series of problems with environmental pollution at the refinery, people in the neighborhood had complained of foul odors coming from the refinery.

December 5, 2017. Protest in front of the house of U.S. congressman John Conyers, when Conyers resigned from his job, due to a sex scandal.

December 21, 2017. Protesters from an Ohio auto plant came  to Cobo Center in Detroit to protest. They protested in front of Cobo Center during the auto show, due to job cuts in Ohio.  


January 24, 2018. Nearly 100 people protested at the immigration office on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, over an Albanian immigrant who was facing deportation. He had been living in the U.S.A. for 17 years.

March 5, 2018. Protest at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit over U.S. immigration policies.

April 16, 2018. Protest at Belle Isle. Protesters were protesting against the use of the island for a 'grand prix'  car race, saying that the island is a park, not a race track.

June 14, 2018. Protest in front of the 'Spirit Of Detroit' statue in downtown Detroit. The purpose of the protest was to emphasize the problems with low-paying jobs, several members of the S.E.I.U. (Service Employees International Union) participated. This was part of a series of protests for a $15-per-hour minimum wage (the fight for fifteen).

June 18, 2018. Protest in downtown Detroit, over U.S. immigration policies.

June 23, 2018. Protest in Detroit, over U.S. immigration policies. The protest was in front of the I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) office.

June 24, 2018. Protest in Detroit, over U.S. immigration policies.

June 24, 2018. Protests in Detroit and Pontiac, over U.S. immigration policies. One of the protests was in Clark Park in Detroit, and according to a news report broadcast on the radio, the size of the crowd was estimated at between 500 and 1000 people.

August 24, 2018. Protesters marched in front of the Westland Police Department headquarters to protest against a Westland police officer who used an electric-shock weapon called a 'taser' to shock a man named  Raymurez Brown. The protesters claimed that Brown was holding a baby in his arms at the time the police hit him with the taser. Some witnesses said that brown handed the baby to a woman at the exact moment he was tased, so the baby was not actually harmed by the taser.     

September 22, 2018. A protest was held at Palmer Park in Detroit, the protest was called 'SlutWalk', and it had about 70 people marching to protest against sexual harassment of women. Several people who were described as 'transgender' participated in the protest.

October 2, 2018. Protesters gathered at a Mc Donald's restaurant on Woodward Avenue in Detroit,to demand a $15-an-hour wage, part of an ongoing series of protests called the 'fight for fifteen'. Several people (including two local politicians) were arrested when they blocked off Woodward Avenue by setting up a table in the middle of the street.

October 2, 2018. A small crowd of protesters gathered in front of Dittrick Furs, to protest against the sale of animal furs. Police cars were parked in front of the chanting, shouting protesters.

October 5, 2018. A crowd of protesters gathered in front of the Westland Police station in Westland, to protest against an incident that involved the Westland Police. Protesters chanted 'No Justice, No Peace'.  


January 10, 2019. An anti-government protest by a group of government employees was held in front of the federal Building  on Michigan Avenue in downtown Detroit. The protest was organized by the American Federation of Federal Employees, which is a labor union that represents employees who work for the federal government. There were protesting about a so-called 'government shutdown', a debacle initiated by the Trump administration, in which some federal agencies are closed because the federal government cannot agree on how to provide funding for them. In some cases, federal employees were expected to work without getting paid.

January 14, 2019. Protest at the Auto Show in downtown Detroit, the protest was directed against Chrysler Corporation, a group of protesters claimed that Chrysler had sponsored a dog race in Alaska, they claimed that  dogs were abused in the race. The protesters claimed that they were 'running the dogs to death'.

January 15, 2019. A small group of protesters at the Ambassador Bridge demanded that the federal government shutdown should end.

January 18, 2019. Protest at the Auto Show in downtown Detroit, the protest was directed against General Motors. The protesters were protesting against General Motors' recent decision to close several manufacturing plants in Michigan and Canada, including the transmission plant at Nine Mile and Mound in Warren, and the assembly plant on the Detroit-Hamtramck border. On the Canadian side, the assembly plant at Oshawa, Ontario, was going to be closed. WWJ radio said that there were about 250 people at the protest, the Canadian radio station CKLW said that some of the protesters in Detroit were Canadians, who came in on buses from Canada.

February 4, 2019. A group of about 30 protesters gathered at the gates of the Marathon oil refinery in southwest Detroit to protest against Marathon because their refinery released a foul-smelling chemical the previous day. People could smell it as far away as the east side, so virtually the entire city was affected.

February 9, 2019.  A group of about 60 protesters gathered in front of the Renaissance Center in Detroit, to protest against General Motors because of plant shutdowns and job cuts.

February 18, 2019. Protesters gathered at Detroit police headquarters to protest against racial insults that were posted on the internet by a Detroit police officer named Gary Steele. He had insulted a black woman and he was eventually fired from his  job.

February 18, 2019. Protests were held at Wayne State University in Detroit and also at the corner of Nine Mile and Woodward in Ferndale  to speak out against the 'state of emergency' declared by President Trump. The issue was improvements to a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump had claimed that improving the wall and upgrading border security required him to declare a 'state of emergency'.

March 12, 2019. A group of about 30 protesters gathered at the museum of African-American history to protest against an upcoming exhibit about Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the U.S.A.), saying that Jefferson owned 300 African slaves.

March 28, 2019. There was an informational picket in front of the offices of a company called Secure America, located at 1001 Woodward Avenue, near the Campus Martius. The company is a security-guard company, that provides security guards to several major buildings in downtown Detroit. The security guards said that they tried to organize a labor union, and they were unfairly denied the right to organize.

May 17, 2019. About 100 parents who have children who attend Grosse Pointe public schools protested against a plan to close two schools and to move students to other schools.

May 21, 2019. Abortion-rights protests were held in Ferndale and Birmingham.

June 8, 2019. It was reported that a neo-Nazi group wearing Nazi uniforms (complete with swastika armbands) and carrying guns tried to disrupt a gay rights celebration  at Hart Plaza in Detroit. The Nazi protesters were carrying guns and were also displaying  Nazi swastika flags. At one point during the protest, one of the Nazi protesters put on a show of urinating on the flag of Israel. The Detroit police escorted the Nazis through the gay rights celebration, and this action was widely criticized, because it made it appear that the police were supporting the Nazis. News of the neo-Nazi protest was largely blacked out in the mainstream media, until June 10, when Detroit police chief Craig released a statement about it. In his statement, Craig defended the actions of the Detroit police, and said that they had done the right thing.

June 10, 2019. Security guards who worked for Secure America staged a protest rally in Grand Circus park in Detroit, they called for recognition of their union and a $15-an-hour wage. 

June 15, 2019. WWJ radio reported that there was a protest in Mount Clemens over the treatment of mentally ill individuals who had lost their constitutional rights, due to actions taken by the probate court. The WWJ story gave no details about this protest.  

June 15, 2019. A 'Stop The Violence Peace Walk'  was held in Detroit, it was a protest against a wave of recent murders in Detroit.

June 17, 2019. Protest at I.C.E.  (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) office in Detroit.   They were protesting against the deportation of Iraqi refugees. 

June 26, 2019. There was a protest at the Detroit Golf Club when groundskeepers who are members of Teamsters Union Local 299 demonstrated against the golf course management. They said the groundskeepers had been working without a contract. This protest coincided with a golf tournament called the Rocket Mortgage Classic.

July 12, 2019. Protest against I.C.E. in Detroit.

July 23, 2019. WWJ radio reported a 'rally' of janitors downtown.

July 29, 2019. About a dozen protesters held a protest at the immigration office in Detroit to protest against an immigration official who had been transferred from El Paso, Texas to Detroit.

July 30, 2019. Workers who work in nursing homes held a protest in Detroit, part of the 'fight for 15' protests that have been held around the country. The protest was connected with the S.E.I.U. (Service Employees International Union). The protest was timed to coincide with Democratic Party debates that were being held in Detroit on July 30.

July 31, 2019. S.E.I.U. protest in Detroit. The protest was timed to coincide with Democratic Party debates that were being held in Detroit on July 31.

August 27, 2019. Protesters on Livernois Avenue protested against street repairs. They complained that the repair work was preventing car traffic from reaching businesses on Livernois. Some of them demanded grants from the city government to compensate them for the loss of business. 

September 2, 2019. Protesters from the U.A.W. (United Auto Workers) marched in the Labor Day parade, to protest against corruption in the U.A.W.'s leadership. A few days earlier, the federal government had accused several top-ranking U.A.W. officials of corruption.

September 20, 2019.  A federal government official, U.S. secretary of education Betsy DeVos,  was visiting Detroit, and stopped to visit a school called the 'Edison Academy' when she was met by protesters. A group of protesters gathered outside the school and chanted their opposition to DeVos while DeVos was in the school. A few members of the Detroit teachers union attended the protest.

September 20, 2019. Protest against climate change at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit. The emphasis was on 'young people' and it was reported that many students from schools in the Detroit area left their classes in order to attend the protest. This protest was said to be part of a group of protests being held worldwide on September 20. 

October 6, 2019. A group of about 30 protesters gathered on the sidewalk on Gratiot just north of 13 Mile to protest against abortion.

October 18, 2019. A group of people gathered at Cass Park in Detroit to  protest against domestic violence. The protest was organized by a clergyman.

October 28, 2019. A group of people gathered at the Spirit Of Detroit statue downtown to protest against the fatal shooting of a woman named Atatiana Jefferson. She was shot by police in Fort Worth, Texas.

November 26, 2019. Protest at Metro Airport, organized by food service workers who work for airlines. Food service workers were demanding  higher wages.

December 2, 2019. Protest in Dearborn Heights, over the impending deportation of a  man.   

December 14,  2019. Protesters gathered on Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Hills to protest against the impeachment of President Trump.

December 17, 2019. Protest in downtown Detroit against President Donald Trump. The protest was timed to coincide with a House Of Representatives vote to impeach Trump. More than 100 protesters marched on Fort street in front of the Federal Reserve building. There was also an anti-Trump rally at the corner of Nine Mile and Woodward in Ferndale. Other anti-Trump protests were reported at the corner of Chestnut and Fort in Southgate, another  protest at the office Senator Debbie Stabenow in Detroit, and another protest at the office of Representative Elissa Slotkin's office in Rochester Hills. There was also a pro-Trump rally organized by Republicans in Bloomfield Hills. 

December 27, 2019. A protest was held at a waste-processing company called U.S. Ecology in Detroit.  U.S. Ecology is located at 6520 Georgia Street in Detroit, the company is based in Idaho.   The company was planning to increase the amount of hazardous waste that they handled, and protesters were concerned about the effect on the local environment. It was claimed that some of the waste that was handled at U.S. ecology was radioactive water, that was a byproduct of 'fracking', the waste water from fracking may be contaminated with small amounts of naturally-occurring radioactive elements.    


January 18, 2020. About 50 people participated in a protest at the Partridge Creek shopping center in Clinton Township, the march was in  support of  women's rights, gun control and other issues. This march was associated with other marches in other cities, all part of nationwide Women's March rallies. Supporters of President Trump were also there, to stage a counter-protest.   

January 25, 2020. A group of pro-Trump protesters gathered at the McNamara federal building in downtown Detroit, to protest against senator Gary Peters, they were trying to pressure Peters to vote no on the issue of Trump's impeachment.

January 30, 2020. Protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of Dana Corporation in Warren, to protest against President Trump. Trump had visited the company, to make a speech. Employees of Dana had posed comments on websites, saying that it was common for Dana to pressure workers to work ten hours a day, and sometimes 12 hours a day. Some workers said that they had been working ten hours a day, seven days a week.

February 8, 2020. Employees of nursing homes protested in Detroit, the protest was organized by S.E.I.U. They demanded better pay and benefits.

February 14, 2020.  Protest at Metro Airport, organized by Delta Airlines employees, for  better pay and health care benefits. 

February 16, 2020. A group of about three dozen protesters gathered in front  of the immigration office on East Jefferson Avenue in Detroit to protest against government immigration policies.

February 17, 2020.  Protest against  dumping of hazardous waste in Detroit. Hazardous waste was found in several abandoned buildings in Detroit, the buildings were near U.S. Ecology, which has been the target of previous protests. The abandoned buildings are were located near Miller and Selkirk Streets, near Mount Elliott.

February 25, 2020. There was a protest by security guards in Detroit. The guards worked for a company called 'Secure America', the company is based in Georgia. The protesters protested in front of the Spirit of Detroit statue downtown, and they were joined by guards who came in from outside of Michigan. The guards were trying to form a labor union, and they described some of the abuses by the company they worked for. One of them said  that the company would call them on the phone, about a half-hour after they got home from work, and tell them that they had to come back in and work four more hours.   

February 28, 2020. There was an anti-tax protest at city hall in downtown Detroit, where a group of about 70 protesters marched around city hall carrying signs and chanting. They tried to get into the mayor's office, and one of them was dragged out by the police. The protest was organized by a group called 'Call 'Em Out', and they claimed that they had been forced to pay excessive property taxes.

March 4, 2020. A group of people protested at Detroit Metro airport, in favor of a $15 minimum wage. Governor Gretchen Whitmer attended the protest. 

March 4, 2020. A group of protesters gathered at a grocery store called King Cole foods, located on Clairmount street on the west side of Detroit to protest about rotten meat that they claimed was being sold by the store.

March 7, 2020. There was a protest in Detroit organized by the S.E.I.U. Protesters were protesting  in favor of a $15 minimum wage, and were also protesting against a law that says it's illegal to give people rides to elections. According to one report, they were planning to fill buses with people, and take them to an election.  

March 31, 2020. There was an anti-abortion protest at a medical clinic in Detroit, on March 31. A small group of protesters demonstrated on the sidewalk in front of the Scotsdale Women's Center in Detroit, when 15 Detroit police officers arrived and told them to leave, because they were violating an emergency ban on large public  gatherings imposed due of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

April 1, 2020. Workers walked off the job and protested in  Romulus. The workers were employed in a warehouse owned by a company called Amazon, and they said that three workers there had tested positive for COVID-19. The protesting workers  said that Amazon had failed to provide them with safe working conditions, and presented a list of demands. It was said that 40 people participated in the protest.   

May 29, 2020. There was a protest in Detroit to speak out against the death of George Floyd, a man who was killed by the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25, 2020.   Floyd had been pinned to the ground by police officers, and one of them kept his knee pressed against Floyd's neck for several minutes, which caused Floyd to die of suffocation.  The death of Floyd was witnessed by a group of people, several of them got  video pictures of Floyd's death. According to police, Floyd had been arrested because he tried to buy something at a store with a counterfeit $20 bill. The death of Floyd caused a series of protests and riots across the country.  The protest in downtown Detroit was at the corner of Congress and Randolph. 60 arrests were made in today's protest in Detroit.  

May 30, 2020. Another protest in Detroit inspired by the death of George Floyd. Police estimated there were 250 people in the crowd. 

May 31, 2020. Another protest in Detroit inspired by the death of George Floyd. There were over 100 people arrested.

June 1, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. A crowd of protesters gathered downtown, there was also a protest in Troy, with protesters marching on Big Beaver road. The protesters in Troy marched to the Troy police headquarters. An organizer of the Troy protest said they wanted to bring the protest to the 'white suburbs'.

June 2, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. There were 127 people arrested at the protest.

June 3, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. A group of protesters gathered at the mayor's mansion, which is  the official residence of Detroit mayor Michael Duggan. 

June 4, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. A group of protesters marched down Woodward Avenue, there were also protest marches in Southfield and Lincoln Park.

June 5, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. There was also another protest in Troy, this was the second protest in Troy this week.

June 6, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. There were also  protests in Rochester and Ferndale. There was another protest  on Hall Road, near the  Lakeside Mall. Hall Road was  shut down while a group of protesters gathered in the road. According to news reports, there was an armed 'militia group' present at the Hall Road protest, but there was no violence.  A local newspaper reported that there was a protest at the Detroit Medical Center that was organized by doctors, nurses and other employees of the medical center. The newspaper story said that the protest was organized by a group called 'White Coats For Black Lives'. 

June 6, 2020. There was a rally for President Donald Trump in Shelby Township. News reports said that the rally was organized by Ken Licari of Chesterfield Township. News reports said there were 285 cars and 131 motorcycles in the protest, it was estimated that approximately 500-700 people attended. The Trump supporters could have held their rally anywhere in Michigan, so why was Shelby Township chosen as the location for their rally? It is most likely that comments by Shelby  Township  police chief Robert Shelide inspired the protesters to choose Shelby Township. A few days before the Trump rally, Shelide had posted comments on a website, his comments contained insults to the protesters who were protesting against the death of George Floyd. He called the George Floyd protesters a bunch of barbarians, and said they should "unleash real cops and let them take care of these barbarians".  Another internet post written by Shelide said the George Floyd protesters were "Wild savages" , another post said "body bags for these vicious subhumans". 

June 7, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. There was also a protest in Livonia. A protest was also conducted in a group of cars, that started at the corner of Eight Mile and Woodward, and drove up Woodward Avenue to Birmingham. 

June 8, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. A crowd of protesters blocked off Woodward Avenue.

June 9, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. According to news reports, a crowd of protesters gathered in front of Detroit police headquarters, and they began arguing over who was leading the protest.

June 10, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd.

June11, 2020. A protest march was held in Detroit, June 11, 2020, involving students from Detroit public schools. A school superintendent and other school officials spoke at the protest, so the protest was obviously organized by Detroit public school officials. The protesters marched from Martin Luther King High School on Larned and Mount Elliott to Cadillac Square. The size of the crowd was estimated at between 2000 and 3000 people. A news report on the protest was broadcast on WWJ radio, this report said that the protest was for "equality in educational funding". Organizers of the protest suggested that the death of George Floyd,  and the protests after his death, should lead to increased funding (from the state government in Lansing) for Detroit schools.

June 11, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd.

June 12, 2020. At 1:30 PM WWJ radio in Detroit reported there was a crowd of students from Detroit public schools protesting the death of George Floyd on Jefferson Avenue in downtown Detroit.

June 15, 2020. There was a protest in Shelby Township,   a group of about 20 protesters gathered at the township municipal offices on Van Dyke to protest against Shelby Township police chief Robert Shelide. Shelide had caused a controversy a few days earlier when he posted messages on the internet calling the movement for George Floyd a bunch of 'subhumans' and 'barbarians'. Shelide's insults to the George Floyd protesters apparently inspired a Trump rally in Shelby Township, a few days later.

June 15, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. The protesters specifically targeted the issue of police surveillance in Detroit, and a group of protesters drove past the house of a Detroit city councilman,  Andre Spivey.  The group of about 40 cars drove past Spivey's house on the east side, while protesters demanded 'Project Green Light' should be abolished. Project  Green Light was a project that involved  the Detroit police and local businesses. The project involved placing video surveillance cameras in gas stations and other businesses, and it was touted by police as being a highly effective anti-crime effort.

June 15, 2020. There was a  protest in downtown  Detroit against the Detroit Public Schools. A group of protesters demanded that the police should be removed from Detroit Public Schools.

June 18, 2020. Immigration rally in Detroit, in West Vernor highway.

June 19, 2020. Rally in Detroit for so-called 'Juneteenth' holiday, the historical date when slaves learned they were free more than 150 years ago.

June 20, 2020. There was a protest in Hart Plaza  in downtown Detroit, where protesters had a 'tribunal' to discuss police brutality in Detroit. They gave speeches to  describe their experiences being arrested by Detroit police in protests several days ago. They used a video screen to show video pictures of incidents of the past several days.

June 24, 2020. At a protest in Shelby Township, a group of protesters who were protesting against Robert Shelide was confronted by a group of pro-Shelide protesters. The confrontation between pro-Shelide and anti-Shelide protesters was shown on the channel 4 (WDIV) eleven o'clock news.

June 27, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, over the death of George Floyd. This protest was a march that began at Eight Mile and Dequindre and went to Woodward Avenue. There was also a protest in Saint Clair Shores to demand justice for the death of Theoddeus Gray, who was killed by the police on November 18, 2018. 

June 28, 2020. Another protest in Detroit, related to the recent protests over the death of George Floyd. This protest was in southwest Detroit, where a crowd of about 300 people marched from Patton Park to Clark Park. There was a violent incident at this protest, when a crowd of people surrounded a police vehicle, and broke the rear window of the vehicle. Police said that someone with a skateboard used the skateboard to hit the window and break it. After the window was broken, the policeman driving the car suddenly sped forward to escape from the crowd, and several people who had climbed on to the hood of the vehicle were violently thrown off the vehicle.

According to a witness, several people were hospitalized, after being thrown off the vehicle. There was also a protest march in Southfield on June 28.  About 80 people marched from Hope United Methodist Church  on Northwestern Highway to  the Donald Fracassi Municipal Campus on Evergreen Road, a distance of about two miles.

June 29, 2020.  There was a protest march that began at Detroit police headquarters on Fort Street, a crowd of about 200 people marched to protest against an incident on Sunday, June 28, 2020. In the June 28 incident, a police vehicle drove forward into a crowd of protesters, throwing several people into the air. Protesters demanded the resignation of Detroit mayor Michael Duggan and police chief James Craig, over the incident. 

July 5, 2020. A crowd of approximately 75 protesters gathered at the Detroit Golf Club, and protested  while a golf tournament was being held. This protest was related to recent protests against the murder of George Floyd.

There was also a protest at the 4th Precinct headquarters of the Detroit police department, this protest was described as a 'die-in'. Approximately 30 people laid down on the ground at the 4th Precinct station, pretending to be dead, so they could symbolize death of George Floyd and other individuals who had been killed by the police.

July 9, 2020. A group of people blocked the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and East Grand Boulevard (the entrance to Belle Isle, at the bridge) and declared that there were trying to create an 'autonomous cop-free zone', which they called the '313 Liberation Zone'.   They made various demands, including  spending 50% of the Detroit Police budget on community needs, such as housing. One individual, named Leon Hister complained that Detroit spends less than 4% of it's budget on recreation. Protesters set up a portable basketball hoop in the middle of the street and played basketball, which caused a traffic jam.

July 10, 2020. There was a protest at the corner of Mc Nichols and San Juan, after a man was shot and killed by the police.  As a crowd of protesters gathered, a small riot started, with protesters throwing rocks and glass bottles at the police, and the police responding by spraying the protesters with tear gas. Later, the crowd of protesters marched to the police precinct station on Seven Mile and Woodward, and then marched back to their starting point. Eight protesters were arrested.

July  11, 2020. Another protest at the corner of Mc Nichols and San Juan, a continuation of a protest on the previous day.

July 12, 2020. A protest  at the Butzel Family Recreation Center at 7737 Kercheval where protesters demanded that an individual named Meeko Willaims should be released from jail. Williams had been arrested on July 10, 2020, at a protest at the corner of Mc Nichols and San Juan. Police accused Williams of throwing an object at the police,

July 12, 2020. Channel 4 news reported a Mount Elliott Unity March on Mount Elliott. 

July 13, 2020. A group of protesters stood in front of a gate at  the school bus terminal, blocking buses. July 13 was intended to be the first day of the summer school session in Detroit, but the protesters blocking the buses prevented classes from being held, since students were unable to ride buses to school. The protesters said they objected to the government's handling of the COVID-19 crisis, and expressed fears that their children would be exposed to COVID-19 if they went to school. According to news reports, two school bus drivers quit their jobs, when they saw the crowd of  protesters. 

July 14, 2020. A protest at the west side  school bus terminal on Greenfield road near Joy road. Protesters stood at the gate and prevented buses from leaving. A story on the front page of the Detroit News issue of July 14, 2020 said 'Protesters vow to stop summer school'.

July 14, 2020. Channel 7 news reported that there was a protest downtown by casino workers, who were employed by the Greektown casino. The workers, who are represented by UAW local 777 were protesting due to a labor dispute.  

July 15, 2020. Protest at the Harper Woods city hall over the death of Priscilla Slater.

July 16, 2020. Protest over the incarceration of a teenage girl identified only as 'Grace' in the parking lot of the Oakland County court building in Pontiac. There was widespread news coverage on the incarceration of 'Grace', which said she had been put into jail because she missed her homework, actually she was put in jail for a violation of the terms of her probation. She had been on probation for theft and assaulting her mother.

July 20 2020. Protest at Macomb County Sheriff's headquarters. A group of protesters gathered to protest against the release of Michael Szymanski. He was accused of shooting his son, Steven Szymanski, on the Memorial Day weekend. Michael Szymanski was released from jail the same day he was arrested, and he was not required to post bond. Michael Szymanski was a former detective on the Hamtramck police department.

July 20, 2020. Protest  by about 50 people was held by SEIU (Service Workers International Union) at the Hartford Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on west Outer Drive. The SEIU said that workers did  not  have adequate personal protection equipment to protect them from coronavirus.

July 21, 2020. Protesters protested against opening of summer school in Detroit, saying that it's too dangerous to begin school, because of coronavirus pandemic, three protesters were arrested.

July 22, 2020. Protest against opening of summer school in Detroit, protest was at the school bus garage at Evergreen and Schoolcraft.

July 22, 2020. Protest at Oakland County court house over the detention of 'Grace', a continuation of an earlier (July 16, 2020) protest.

July 23, 2020. A group of protesters called 'Michigan United' protested in downtown Detroit, and called for  federal pandemic benefits to be continued. The federal government had given an additional $600 per week in unemployment benefits to people who were laid off due to the coronavirus  pandemic, and this $600-a-week payment was set to expire at the end of them month.

July 23, 2020. A group of protesters protested at a school bus garage in Detroit, and tried to prevent school buses from leaving the garage. Nineteen protesters were arrested.

August 12, 2020. A group of parents protested outside a school in Birmingham, citing concerns about opening the school in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

August 15, 2020. After the Woodward Dream Cruise was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oakland County Republican Party announced that  the Dream Cruise  would be held anyway, and it would be held as a political rally for President Trump. They encouraged people to display Trump banners and signs on their cars. A  small group of anti-Trump protesters attended the event.

August 19, 2020. Channel 7 TV news reported that there was a protest by Detroit school teachers at Northwest High School. The teachers union was considering a strike vote, to authorize going on strike because of the risk of spreading COVID-19  in Detroit public schools.

August 20, 2020. Channel seven news said that a group of teachers gathered outside the Fisher Building and protested. They were saying "Don't re-open schools until we're safe from COVID-19".

August 22, 2020. A protest in downtown Detroit turned into a small riot when protesters tried to block off Woodward Avenue. The police responded by spraying tear gas at them and beating them.

August 22, 2020. Protest in Royal Oak, at the Royal Oak post office. A small crowd of protesters carried signs and marched around the post office to protest against the new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy. President Trump appointed DeJoy as postmaster general, although DeJoy had no previous experience in the postal service. DeJoy was a Trump supporter who had donated millions of dollars to Trump, and apparently DeJoy decided to do a favor for Trump, specifically, he decided to deliberately slow down the mail service so that  mail-in ballots in the November 2020 presidential election would not arrive in time to be counted, therefore giving Trump an unfair advantage in the election. One of the signs carried by protesters said "Louis DeJoy Must Resign".

August 22, 2020. A group of protesters on bikes rode their bicycles  on a 27-mile route downtown to protest against police brutality, their slogan was 'stop killing us'.

August 23, 2020. Protest against and police brutality in Detroit. This was a protest against the incident on Woodward Avenue on August 22. Protesters claimed that the police attacked them for no reason, on August 22. 44 protesters were arrested.

September 1, 2020. A group of protesters called "Detroit Action" held a protest against evictions, at Spirit Plaza in downtown Detroit. They wanted the moratorium on evictions to be extended.

September 6, 2020. A group of protesters protesting against racism marched from the MGM casino to Woodward Avenue, and on to the Campus Martius.

September 7, 2020. A group of health car support staffers had a rally  at Spirit Plaza downtown where they protested about the lack of protective equipment in their workplace. The rally was sponsored by the S.E.I.U.

September 12, 2020. Channel four news broadcast a report about a protest in the Indian Village neighborhood, a small group of protesters were there. The protesters said the name of the neighborhood should be changed.  They said they will start a petition drive, to have the name changed (two of the streets in the neighborhood were named after Indian tribes).

September 18, 2020. It was reported that there was a protest at a business on west Seven Mile in Detroit called "The Psychedelic Shack".  A man was found dead there, a few days earlier, and the proprieator of the Psychedelic Shack had apparently mentioned the man's death in a video promoting the business. Protesters gathered in front of the business to protest against the owner of the Psychedelic Shack, saying that he was callous and immoral for using the death of a man to promote his business. The man who died was named Julian Anderson, he was 40 years old, and it was suspected that he died of a drug overdose. The owner of the Psychedelic Shack had set up a children's playground in front of the business, the playground had playground equipment, including a  plastic tube slide. The body of Julian Anderson was found inside the plastic tube slide, with his feet hanging out of the slide. Several people thought he was asleep, and kicked his feet, but he wouldn't move.  The owner of the business, Robert Pizzimenti,  apparently thought it was funny, and joked about it in a promotional video.  In the video, Pizzimenti is heard saying, "That boy is cold, and I don't think he's coming back".

September 19, 2020. There was  protest against racism on Hoover road in Warren. A crowd of protesters gathered on Hoover road between Ten Mile and I-696 to protest against racism. A  black man  named Eddie Hall who lives in the neighborhood said his house had been vandalized.  The protest was organized by two groups, one called Detroit Will Breathe and other called Michigan Liberation.  A group of Trump supporters also appeared and shouted at them from across the street.  

September 23, 2020. A group of more than 100 protesters marched in downtown Detroit to protest against a decision made by a grand jury in Kentucky. The Kentucky grand jury had given lenient treatment to white police men who had killed a black woman named Breonna Taylor. 

September 27, 2020. A group of people protested at the Saint Joan of Arc church in Saint Clair Shores, they were demanding that a clergyman named Eduard Perrone should be reinstated, he had been suspended because of an accusation that he was homosexual and he had sexually molested a boy.

October 23, 2020. There was a protest against racism in Shelby Township, at the Shelby Township jail. Six people were arrested.

November 3, 2020. According to a news broadcast on WWJ radio, Detroit mayor Michael Duggan  was going to have a press conference outdoors, and the press conference had to be moved indoors because a protester arrived in a truck and disrupted the press conference. The truck had loudspeakers on it, and the loudspeakers were blaring propaganda messages. The propaganda from the truck was pro-Trump propaganda, probably related to Trump's participation in the election, a day earlier.

November 20, 2020. A group of about 25 protesters gathered at Detroit's Metro Airport to protest against two republican politicians who were leaving on a plane to fly to Washington, D.C. to visit president Trump. The politicians were Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield who were reportedly going to a secret meeting with Trump, to discuss the November 2 election. 

December 7, 2020.  There was a protest at the McDonalds restaurant on Van Dyke and Outer Drive. McDonalds employees demanded a fifteen-dollar hourly wage.


January 15, 2021. There was a protest rally at a McDonalds restaurant near the corner of Mc Nichols and Livernois, workers at McDonalds wanted a pay increase, to $15 an hour. It was part of a series of protests held across the country, where workers demanded that the minimum wage should be increased to $15 an hour, under the slogan 'fight for fifteen'. Protesters noted that the federal minimum wage has not been increased since July, 2009.

January 16, 2021. A group of more than 50 protesters gathered at the 10th precinct station of the Detroit Police Department, the protesters demanded an end to evictions in the city of Detroit. The protesters said that a woman named Whitney Burney and her four children had been evicted from their home on December 19, 2020. Burney said the landlord was sexually harassing her and he became hostile after she rejected his sexual advances. 

January 24, 2021. Channel 4 news reported that there was a protest involving hundreds of Indians who drove their cars from Comerica Park to Hart Plaza in Detroit to protest against the government of India. They said that the government of India was imposing unfair policies on farmers in India, and these new policies would force Indian farmers into poverty.   

February 17, 2021. A group of people gathered in front of a house in Livonia to protest because three dogs were left outside in the backyard of the house, during unusually cold weather. Protesters said the dogs could have frozen to death and claimed the owner of the dogs was guilty of cruelty to animals.

March 10, 2021. There was a protest at Wayne State University in Detroit because a woman who lived in the Wayne State dormitory had been harassed. The woman, named Zoriana Martinez, said that she had 'Black Lives Matter' stickers on her door, and the sticker shad been torn off, by someone. People had also thrown eggs at her door.

March 13, 2021. There was a protest at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Breonna Taylor. The protest here in Detroit was part of a series of protests, held in cities across the country.

March 27, 2021. A group of Asian-Americans protested in downtown Detroit, citing recent incidents of violence against Asian-Americans.

April 10, 2021. A group of people protested in front of police headquarters in Detroit, over evictions. They objected to the participation of the Detroit police in evictions.

April 10, 2021. Channel Seven News broadcast a TV report about a protest by teachers in Detroit. The teachers were protesting that schools were being re-opened too soon, and they were saying the schools should remain closed, for a longer period of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This comes at a time when Michigan has had the highest rate of COVID-19 infections in the U.S.A. 

April 11, 2021. A group of Asian-Americans protested in front of the Troy city hall, in Big Beaver road in Troy, citing  recent incidents of violence against Asian-Americans.

April 12, 2021, A group of about 50 members of the U.A.W. protested in Detroit at the site of  the former Cadillac assembly plant. The plant was being demolished, to make room for the construction of a new Fiat-Chrysler parts plant. The work was  being done by a non-union company called North Point Development, and the U.A.W. protesters were saying that the work should have been done with union labor.  

April 15, 2021. A group of about 10 or 15 protesters gathered in front of Detroit police headquarters downtown to draw attention to the court verdict in the George Floyd murder case in Minnesota.

April 26, 2021. There was a protest at Hart Plaza in  downtown Detroit, over homeless people who were expected to leave their camp, which was in the underground portion of Hart Plaza. There were plans for construction  workers to come in and renovate the area, but the homeless people who were living there were expected to leave to make way for the construction workers.

April 27, 2021. A crowd of about 30 people protested in front of Hazel Park city hall, because they disagreed with criminal charges being filed against a 20-year old man named Armani Sharpe. He was accused of getting into a confrontation with two women in September 2020, and was charged with disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.  The incident was on the border line between Hazel Park and Ferndale, and police cars from both cities responded to the call. Protesters said that Sharpe suffers from a mental condition called autism, and therefore he should not be charged with a crime. Sharpe is black and the two women involved were white, so protesters said the charges were racially motivated.  

May 15, 2021. Dozens of protesters gathered in Dearborn in front of the National Arab American Museum to protest against the recent violence in Israel.

May 16, 2021. A large crowd of hundreds of protesters gathered in Dearborn and marched on Michigan avenue to protest against recent attacks made by Israel on terrorist positions in the Gaza region of Israel. The attacks started several days ago, and were widely criticized. At one point, the Israeli government ordered journalists to get out of a building, and then they fired missiles at the building and destroyed it.  Channel 7 TV news reported that there was also a counter-protest in Detroit by the Zionist Organization of America. They said that Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist attacks.

May 21, 2021. A group of about two dozen people protested on Ten Mile road in Southfield because they said that a high school in Southfield had been charging $80 for tickets to the high school prom but allowed students who  had been vaccinated for COVID-19 to get in without paying the $80. It was noted  that some of the protesters were not from the Southfield school district.  

May 23, 2021. There were TV news reports about a protest in Dearborn. The protest was organized by Arabs who were protesting against Israel.

July 17, 2021. There were two protests against Henry Ford Hospital, one at the Henry Ford Hospital in West Bloomfield, the other at the Henry Ford Hospital in Clinton Township. Workers at the two hospitals were protesting against the hospital's policy that requires workers to be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. The hospital workers said that they didn't want the COVID-19 vaccine because the was only approved on an 'emergency use authorization', it was not fully approved by the FDA. According to news reports, hundreds of hospital employees stood on the sidewalks, carrying signs, in these protests. 

August 25, 2021. A group of about 150 people gathered at the Oakland Health Division in Oakland County to protest against mask mandates in Oakland County public schools. 

September 1, 2021. A group of protesters gathered at the Coleman Young Municipal Center (the city-county building) to protest against evictions. There had been a moratorium on evictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and evictions were not allowed under the moratorium, but the moratorium expired on September 1, 2021, and landlords began evicting tenants, since the tenants were no longer protected by the moratorium.

September 14, 2021. A group of about two dozen protesters gathered to protest against former Detroit police chief James Craig, on Belle Isle, when he made  a speech to announce that he was running for governor of Michigan as a republican. Craig left, and did not complete his speech, he made another speech the same day at another location.  

October 2, 2021. A group protested at the 36th district court in downtown Detroit. They were protesting against a law that was made in Texas, this law restricts a woman's right to get an abortion. It was part of similar protests that were held around the U.S.A.

October 6, 2021. A group protested in front of the McNamara federal building in downtown Detroit today, the protest was organized by a group called Michigan United, they protested at the office of a politician named Gary Peters. Their protest demanded reforms in immigration laws.

October 18, 2021. A political rally was held on Van Dyke in Warren, in favor of the so-called 'Build Back Better' act.

October 25, 2021. A crowd of about a dozen protesters gathered at a restaurant in Shelby Township where state senate majority leader Mike Shirkey was holding a fund-raiser for the republican party. The protesters were trying to draw attention to changes in car insurance laws that put certain limits on benefits.

October 26, 2021. Protesters gathered on Mack Avenue in Detroit to protest against Mc Donalds restaurants, and mentioned sexual harassment issues that had not been addressed by Mc Donalds management.    

October 27, 2021. Protesters protested against Chrysler Corporation (Stellantis) because of a foul odor that was coming from the Mack Avenue assembly plant on Detroit's east side. The state of Michigan's Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy had found 'persistent and objectionable' paint odors in September, and again in October.  The protest was about a block away from the plant at  the corner of Warren and Beniteau, about twenty people participated in the protest. Chrysler had offered local residents $1.8 million for home repair grants, which amounts to about $15,000 per home, but residents complained that this amount was not enough. Chrysler had hired an engineering company to try to solve the problem, and reported that they were doing their job, to eliminate the odors. 

November 1, 2021. Television news reports said that a group of teachers from DPSCD protested on the west side of Detroit over the COVID-19 situation in schools. They wanted more stay-at-home lessons, via computers, instead of classes in person.

November 14, 2021. Hundreds of students at Bloomfield Hills High School walked out of class to protest against racist incidents at the school. The incident that caused the protest was racial insults that were found written on walls in the school's bathroom.  This was reported to the Bloomfield Township Police Department on November 10, and  another racial incident was reported to police on November 11.


January 29, 2022. There was a protest at a rental hall called Timeless Gallery on John R near Madge Avenue in Hazel Park, because the city government of Hazel Park had tried to close the hall. The hall is owned by a woman named Ericka Reed. On January 14, 2022 there was an incident where two men were shot and killed in the parking lot of Timeless Gallery. The city of Hazel Park said they closed the hall down because it has been the site of numerous complaints in the past, while Reed says the Hazel Park government was motivated by racism.

February 7, 2022.  A protest in Windsor, Ontario closed the Ambassador Bridge. Truck drivers from all across Canada had parked their trucks at the bridge to protest against the Canadian government's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The first protest was in Ottawa, the Canadian capitol, where hundreds of trucks were parked in the center of the city, bringing traffic to a standstill. The protests spread to Windsor, and traffic crossing the Ambassador Bridge was brought to a standstill. Although this is a protest in Windsor, not Detroit, I've included it in this list of Detroit protests because it affected traffic on the Detroit side of the  border.

February 24, 2022. A group of Ukrainians in Warren protested against the war in Ukraine. They gathered at Saint Josaphat's church in Warren.

February 26, 2022.  A group of protesters marched from the 36th district court in downtown Detroit to the Frank Murphy Hall Of Justice to protest the deaths of two teenagers who had been shot exactly one year earlier. 17-year-old Terrance Amour and 17-year-old Carlesa Taylor were shot to death while they were riding in a car in Detroit on February 26, 2021, near the corner of Schoolcraft  Road and Ashton Road. of The murders were completely senseless, there seemed to be no known motive for these killings, a car pulled up alongside their car and opened fire on them for no reason.  

February 27, 2022. A group of hundreds of Ukrainians protested against the in war in Ukraine. They gathered at Hart Plaza in Detroit.

February 27, 2022. A small group of people gathered at a bar on Gratiot Avenue in Roseville called Dooley's. News reports called it a 'vigil', but it was actually a protest. They were protesting the death of a security guard who had been shot to death at Dooley's the previous day, while he was breaking up a fight. One report in the news media interviewed a former security guard who had worked at Dooley's in the past, and he said there had been fights at Dooley's almost every day, and it was not unusual for fist fights to break out at  Dooley's. The same day, protesters started an online petition, this petition asked people for signatures, the petition was asking for Dooley's to be shut down. The next day the owners of Dooley's released a statement that said Dooley's will be permanently closed. The February 26 murder of the security guard was not the first time someone had been shot to death at Dooley's, there was an incident in 2019 where a man was shot to death in a bathroom at Dooley's. 

March 6, 2022. A group of Ukrainians protested against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They carried Ukrainian flags, their protest went from the Spirit of Detroit statue to Hart Plaza downtown.     

March 21, 2022. A group opposed to water rate increases and water shutoffs protested at the Spirit Of Detroit statue, downtown.

March 27, 2022. Channel 4 news reported a protest at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit, people were protesting against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

May 8, 2022. A 22-year-old man from Las Vegas, Nevada was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after he climbed to the top of one tower of the Renaissance Center in  downtown Detroit.  This was done as part of an anti-abortion protest, the man wore a t-shirt with a message printed on it, the message said, 'Protect Women, End Abortion'. The tower he climbed is 39 stories high.

May 11, 2022. A group of about 50 SEIU members protested at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit, they were a group of janitors and sanitation  workers who were asking for higher wages and other benefits. Most of them make $15 an hour or less.

May 14, 2022. A group of protesters gathered at the Federal Courthouse on Lafayette Street in down town Detroit, to protest in favor of abortion rights. It was related to a series of protests that were being held across the country. 

May 21, 2022. Channel 7 news said there was a protest at a theater in Royal Oak, a small group  of people protested that the theater would be permanently closing.

May 24, 2022. A protest at the Mc Donalds restaurant on the corner of Outer Drive and Van Dyke in Detroit, where a group of  about 50 Mc Donalds employees demanded union benefits, health care, and higher wages.

May 26, 2022. Students at The School At Marygrove in Detroit walked out of classes to protest an incident at the school a student had brought a gun to school, he pulled it out and pointed it at another student, the gun turned out to be a BB gun. This incident occurred on May 24, nobody was injured in the incident. There was another walkout reported the same day, to protest against a mass murder in the town of Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were shot and killed in an elementary school. There was also a protest the same day, when hundreds of students walked out of classes at Oxford schools in Oxford, Michigan to protest the mass murder at Uvalde.   

June 8, 2022. A TV news report said there was a protest march to protest against a drug house on Lumpkin street in Detroit. Several Detroit police officers participated in the march, and Detroit city council member Scott Bensen also participated. 

June 14, 2022. Two women entered the Saint Veronica Catholic Church in Eastpointe and protested about abortion rights. According to a TV news report, one of the women was nearly naked, dressed in a costume that was made of pieces of paper or cloth that looked like fig leaves. The women were escorted out the church and police were called.

June 24, 2022. There were two protests in Detroit about a Supreme Court decision on abortion, one protest was at Palmer Park, the other protest was at the U.S. courthouse in downtown Detroit. More than 1000 people protested against the June 24th announcement that the Supreme Court had decided to overturn the 1973 decision (Roe Versus Wade) that legalized abortion. This court decision means that abortion in Michigan and other states is no longer protected by federal law, although it may be legalized under state laws.

August 8, 2022. A group of people gathered at the corner of Trombley and East Grand Blvd. to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Adams, who was shot by police on August 8, 2021, police had fired at Adams, hitting him four times in the back.


January 17, 2023. Protesters who were members of a group called  the Peoples Water Board Coalition gathered in front of Detroit city hall and demanded that the moratorium on water shutoffs should be reinstated. The moratorium ended on January 1, 2023.

Feb. 12, 2023. 'Protect The Midwives' rally. Protesters gathered at Ascension Providence Hospital to protest against cancellation of a midwife program at the hospital.

May 1, 2023. A group of people gathered in downtown Detroit to protest against a proposal for gun-free zones. The proposal was made by a member of the Detroit city council and it would have created gun-free zones in several parts of downtown Detroit.

October 16, 2023. A group of about 60 people protested in downtown Detroit against the war in Israel. The war in Israel started on October 7, 2023, when the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas attacked civilians in Israel, killing hundreds of them.

October 19, 2023. Students at Fordson High School in Dearborn walked out of classes to protest against Israel-Hamas war.

October 20, 2023. Students at Edsel Ford High School in Dearborn walked out of classes to protest against Israel-Hamas war.  

October 28, 2023. Hundreds of people attended a protest rally at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit to protest against Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Gaza. 

October 29, 2023. There was a protest rally at the Warren city hall in Warren to protest against Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Gaza. 


February 25, 2024. A group of protesters held a rally at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit, to protest against the war in Ukraine. February 24 was the two-year anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

March 30, 2024. A group of protesters marched in Detroit to protest against the war in Gaza. Channel 4 (WDIV) news reported that the Chase bank on the corner of Michigan and Trumbull was vandalized by protesters. They painted 'Free Palestine' and other slogans on the front of the bank building.  

April 12, 2024. Protest against the war in Gaza was held at the Spirit of Detroit statue in downtown Detroit.

April 15, 2024. A group of protesters who were protesting against the war in Gaza attempted to block traffic at the Ambassador bridge, but were stopped by police. The protest began at Ford Field Park in Dearborn, where protesters said they were headed for the bridge. Police said their convoy was attempting to block intersections with their vehicles, and they went through several red lights, and blocked off intersections.  

May 19, 2024. President Biden visited Detroit on May 19 and was greeted by protesters who were protesting against Biden's support for the war in Gaza. There was a protest in front of the Ford  Community And Performing Arts Center in Dearborn, and another protest downtown. The downtown protest began at Hart Plaza and the protesters marched to Huntington Place, where they gathered on the sidewalk in front of the building.  There were approximately a hundred of them, waving Palestinian flags and carrying signs.

May 21, 2024. A group of Troy School teachers marched on the sidewalk to protest against the Troy school board. More than 150 people were in the march, which was held immediately before a school board meeting. The protesters said they had been working without a contract for three months.

May 23, 2024. Protesters set up a tent encampment at Wayne State University, and vowed to stay there until the university stopped investing in Israel. There were more than 150 people, and ten tents. They were chanting 'Free Palestine!' and were waving Palestinian flags. 

May 30, 2024. The tent encampment at Wayne State University had been occupied by protesters for a week, but at 5:30 AM on May 30, police ordered them to leave. Police forced the protesters to leave their tents and ten protesters were arrested. They were taken to a jail on Mound Road in Detroit, and a crowd of protesters quickly gathered in the median on Mound Road and demanded that the protesters who had been arrested should be released from jail. Eventually, they were released and the crowd on Mound Road dispersed.   


There have been several riots in the history of Detroit. Information about these riots is listed below.


A crowd of blacks gathered at the Wayne County jail to protest against plans to return a black couple to Kentucky. The couple (a black man and a black woman) were slaves that had escaped from Kentucky. At the time, any escaped slaves could be returned from the state they escaped from under a law called the Fugitive Slave Act. The Fugitive Slave Act applied to all states, including states were slavery was illegal. A riot broke out and 30 people were arrested. The two slaves managed to escape from the Wayne County jail, and managed to get to Canada, they lived the rest of their lives in Canada.


December 13, 1849. Gratiot Railroad Riot. A mob of approximately 60 shopkeepers tore up  railroad tracks on Gratiot Avenue to protest noise made by trains.


The so-called 'Whorehouse Riots'. There 12 major incidents in the 1850's when mobs of between 50 and 300 people attacked whore houses and tried to drive prostitutes out of the city.


March 6, 1863. A black man named William Faulkner was accused of molesting  two girls. One girl was black, the other was white. He was found  guilty and a riot started as he was being taken to jail. Police fired shots at the crowd, and one person was killed. The next day mobs of whites attacked blacks in a black neighborhood, and one man was killed. Rioters burned 30 buildings.   Later, the two girls admitted that they lied, and Faulkner was freed after serving five years in prison.


April 23, 1891. Railroad worker's strike leads to three days of rioting.


April 18, 1894. Workers rioted over pay.


Trolley Riot.


February 24, 1942. Sojurner Truth Riots. The Sojurner Truth riots were a series of riots at the Sojurner Truth housing project. The project was intended for low-income blacks, but blacks who attempted to move into the housing project were met with the hostility of whites. The night before a black family was going to move into the projects on February 24, a mob of whites burned a cross near the housing project. The size of the mob was estimated at 1200, many of them openly carried weapons. The next morning mobs openly fought each other in the streets, and 200 police officers using tear gas were required to control the riot.

March 10, 1942. Second Sojurner Truth Riot.  A white man named Joseph Buffa, who was president of an organization called the 'Seven Mile Improvement Association' led a march of more than 200 whites towards the Sojurner Truth housing project, until police dispersed the march with tear gas. Buffa was arrested, but later acquitted.

June 19, 1942. Inkster. An argument between blacks and whites in Inkster turned into a riot, and 200 soldiers stationed nearby became involved. The riot was stopped by military police and state troopers.

June 21, 1942. Eastwood Amusement Park. More than 200 white high school students, assisted by a few soldiers, tried to force approximately 100 blacks to leave the Eastwood Amusement Park.

June 20-23, 1942. Belle Isle. A riot started on Belle Isle, after blacks spread rumors that said whites had killed a black woman and her baby, and had thrown their bodies off the Belle Isle bridge. Whites spread rumors that said gangs of blacks had attacked a white woman on Belle Isle. After three days of rioting, 34 people were dead (25 blacks, 9 whites). 970 blacks and 212 whites were arrested. Most of the fighting was downtown, on Woodward Avenue, where mobs of whites pulled blacks out of buses and beat them, and on Hastings street, where mobs of blacks threw rocks at cars driven by whites , pulled whites out of their cars and beat them.


July 17, 1943. Hamtramck. A riot started in Hamtramck at the Johnson Milk Company on the corner of Caniff and Gallagher. 300 C.I.O. members fought a 15-minute battle with a rival union, the A.F.L., over the issue of who would represent workers at the Johnson Milk Company. Gunshots were fired.


August 9, 1966. Kercheval Riot. A riot started on the corner of Pennsylvania and Kercheval on Detroit's east side. 73 cars were hit by rocks (including police cars), 48 windows were broken, 10  police officers and 11 civilians were injured. 89 adults and 93 juveniles were arrested.


July 23-29, 1967. A riot started on 12th street, when white police officers arrested blacks at an unlicensed club. The riot escalated, and rioters began looting and burning shops. The rioters threw rocks though the windows of shops, then entered the shops and stole as much merchandise as they could carry, then set fire to the shops. When the fire department arrived to put out the fires, the rioters threw rocks at the firemen, who were forced to retreat. When firemen were forced to retreat, they allowed entire blocks of houses and buildings to burn. There were also reports of rioters  using knives to cut fire hoses. Fires were reported on 132 streets. 50 of Detroit's 139 square miles had fires. Firemen withdrew from fires 283 times, because they were being attacked with rocks and gunfire. There were various estimates of the number of buildings burned. The Detroit Fire Department finally released its estimate of the damage in February, 1968, when they said that 690 houses and buildings were burned, 412 were totally destroyed. Some unofficial estimates said as many as 1087 buildings were burned.

611 food stores and supermarkets were looted. 537 cleaners and laundries were looted. 326 clothing stores were looted. 240 drug stores were looted. 198 furniture stores were looted. 2489 rifles and 35 handguns were stolen. 657 people were injured, 167 were Detroit police officers, 16 were state troopers, 17 were national guard troops, 3 were paratroopers, 273 were firemen, and 72 were civilians. 31 whites and 95 blacks suffered gunshot wounds. 43 people died. Of the 43 that died, 30 were slain by Detroit police officers.


July 28, 1975. A riot was reported in Detroit near the corner of Livernois and Seven Mile.


January 12, 2013. A riot was reported in Taylor (a Detroit suburb). The riot involved more than 2000 people, and was started by a shortage of Section 8 housing vouchers. People had gathered to obtain Section 8 housing vouchers, when the lights in the building went out. People began to pick up chairs and hit each other with chairs, and several people were trampled while they were running for the exits. Police from several police departments responded to the riot.


November 9, 2018. A local radio station reported that Warren police had charged several students at Fitzgerald high school with inciting a riot. The news report said that one student said he was going to fight with another student, and more than 150 students gathered to watch the fight.


March 7, 2020. There was an incident in Warren, at a furniture store called Art Van, when the store's owner announced that the store was going out of business, and they were having a 'going-out-of-business sale'. Although local news media did not describe this incident as a riot, police reported that there were traffic jams caused by large numbers of people arriving at  the store, and there were several fistfights caused by people why were fighting over furniture. 

March 23, 2020. A small riot was reported on the east side of Detroit. According to news reports, there were two groups of young men and women who fought each other at a house  near Seven Mile and Van Dyke. According to a website owned by WWJ radio, there were dozens of young men and women who were punching, kicking and hitting each other, while a crowd of spectators gathered to watch, some of the spectators climbed on top of cars so they could watch.

May 29, 2020. A protest in Detroit turned into a riot, with crowds of protesters throwing rocks and other objects at the police, the police responded by launching tear gas at the rioters.  The protest was connected to a series of protests across the U.S.A., people were protesting the death of a man named George Floyd, who was killed by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a few days earlier. There were approximately 1500 people involved in the riot, the Detroit police made 60 arrests. A 21-year-old man from Eastpointe was shot and killed by an unknown assailant at the corner of Congress and Randolph downtown, police were seeking a suspect.

May 31, 2020. Another protest in Detroit connected to the death of George Floyd turned into a riot, when the mayor of Detroit declared a curfew at 8:00 PM. A crowd of people ignored the curfew and at 8:45 the Detroit police started launching tear gas at them.

July 10, 2020. A man was shot to death by Detroit police officers at approximately 12:30 PM at the corner of Mc Nichols and San Juan, near the corner of Mc Nichols and Livernois.  Reports of this shooting  were initially spread on the internet, these reports claimed that the police had shot an unarmed man who was kneeling while he surrendered to police. These reports were later proven false, when the police showed video pictures of the man firing a gun at police officers, showing that he was shooting at them when he was killed. The police had gone to Mc Nichols and San Juan to investigate a shooting incident that occurred on July 5, 2020, in that incident, eight people were shot, and three of them died. When the police arrived at Mc Nichols and San Juan, they found the man they were looking for, and he was arrested without any resistance. Another man, who was standing nearby took a gun out of his pocket and started shooting at a policeman, and he was quickly shot by four police officers. A small crowd gathered there, and began taunting the police. Several people started throwing rocks, bricks, glass bottles and other objects at the police. Several people started jumping onto police cars, and the police responded by spraying the crowd with tear gas. Eight people were arrested.       

August 22, 2020. A small riot started on Woodward Avenue downtown when a crowd of protesters blocked off the street. They ignored police warnings, and they were attacked by the police, several of them were beaten.

Police Incidents.

Various incidents involving the police in Detroit and the suburbs of Detroit.


November 5, 1992. A man named Malice Green was  stopped by Detroit police officers Larry Nevers and Walter Budzyn, the officers accused Green of using illegal drugs. They claimed that Green had something in his hand (probably drugs), and he was trying to conceal it, Green held the object in his  hand after the officers told him to let go of it. The two officers started to beat Green while Green was sitting is his parked car. Officer Nevers began to hit Green in the head with a flashlight, and the head injuries caused by this beating caused Green's death. Nevers and Budzyn were eventually sentenced to prison for the death of Green. Several other Detroit police officers arrived at the scene, but did nothing to stop the beating. Both Nevers and Budzyn had an extensive history of complaints against them, Nevers was the subject of 25 complaints, and Budzyn was the subject of 19 complaints.     


July 5, 1994. A Detroit police officer barricaded himself in his house on the east side of  Detroit, and fired 27 shots in what was described as a 'nine-hour standoff with police'. The officer  was named Richard Kelly, the incident was at his house in the 14900 block of Collingham street, near the corner of Eight Mile and Gratiot. Officials said 42-year-old Kelley had been a police officer for 21 years, and became angry after he was suspended  without pay, about a month before the incident. According to the  story, he was suspended June 8 for alcoholism and beating his girlfriend. According to the story, this was  the second time in a year that Kelley had gone on a shooting spree. It said he was not charged with the spree that happened a year earlier.     

August 26, 1994. It was reported in the August 26, 1994 issue of the Detroit News that a Detroit police officer named Joseph Virga was accused of fondling the breasts of a woman who was being held in jail.  He was also accused of forcing her to perform oral sex on him. A tissue swab  turned over to the police was found to  contain sperm, according to the police crime lab.

November 9, 1994. A story published in a local newspaper on November 9, 1994 said that a Detroit police officer named Evelyn Beck  has been put in a mental hospital for threatening her boss with a gun. She had been placed under psychiatric observation and has not been charged with a crime.


July 25, 1996. Two Detroit police officers were accused of robbing a    27-year-old man of several hundred  dollars during a traffic stop.  The two officers, Kevin Staples, and Berhard Shackleford, were suspended without pay and were facing criminal charges.

November  18, 1996: The November 18, 1996 issue of the Detroit Free Press published a story titled 'Livonia Officer To Be Arraigned In Holdup Case'. The story did not reveal the name of the officer, but said that he had been a member of the Livonia police department for three years. According to the story, on November 18, 1996, there was a robbery at the Standard Federal Bank on the corner of Schoenherr and 13 Mile in Warren. The bank robber, who turned out to be a Livonia police officer, was arrested and held by Warren police.

November 29, 1996. A Detroit police lieutenant was being charged with threatening to kill a woman and then leading police on a chase. On November 29 the officer went to his fiancee's house in Canton with a gun and threatened to kill her. She called police and when the Canton police arrived he met them with his hands raised, and with two guns stuck into his belt.  He challenged the police to shoot him and suddenly he ran to a car and sped away in the car. The police chased him on to I-94 where he was intercepted by Dearborn police at the Greenfield road exit.  He was held briefly, apparently in a mental health clinic, but was released the next day. He returned to work and was not suspended from duty. A story published in the December 11, 1996 issue of the Detroit News said that he was facing criminal charges, but the story did not reveal the officer's name.    

December 6, 1996: The December 6, 1996 issue of the Detroit Free Press published an article titled: 'Bank Robbery Suspect Says That Warren Police Beat Him'. The story says that a  Livonia police officer named Ron Nelson had been arrested in Warren for a bank robbery, and he claimed that he had been beaten and severely injured by the Warren police when they arrested him. Nelson filed a lawsuit against the Warren police, asking for $10 million in damages. A Macomb county prosecutor said that Nelson was responsible for three bank robberies.


February 21, 1997. A Deputy Police Chief from the Trenton police department was charged with domestic violence after he was accused  of hitting his wife. 48-year-old Terry Rodriguez was at a hotel in Romulus  when his wife Linda Rodriguez was found with blackened eyes and cut on her face in the hotel room. Rogriguez denied hitting his wife and said she had fallen down the stairs.    

March 20, 1997. A Madison Heights police officer named Joseph Good was accused of molesting two young girls. He was accused of fondling one girl and raping the other. Officer Good was quoted as saying that he had know the girl since she was 10 years old and he viewed her as 'a sexual being'. He told a police detective named Susan Hayward that he often fantasized about the girl he raped when he was having sex with his wife. According to a story in the March 20, 1997 issue of the Detroit  News, the girls often came to visit Joseph Good at his house. One day when the girl came to visit, Good opened the door and greeted her while he was  wearing only a t-shirt, and offered the girl beer. It was also alleged that Good often gave girls beer and money when they came to his house.  It was also alleged  that Good showed two girls a pornographic movie and locked them in his bedroom. After being locked in his bedroom, the girls escaped after Good fell asleep.

April 22, 1997. A 27-year-old Detroit police officer named Alphonso Buffington was indicted for possessing a stolen gun. Another officer, 26-year-old Kenneth Owens was indicted after police found a stolen gun and crack cocaine in his house. Owens and Buffington were suspended without pay pending  trial.  

August 19, 1997. A story in the Detroit News said that a police officer in Inkster  was convicted of firing a gun while he was at a topless bar, and injuring the bar's owner. 27-year-old officer Sean Lesner was found guilty of reckless discharge of a firearm, causing injury. The incident occurred on January 9, 1997 at a bar called the 747 Lounge..  

October 8, 1997. According to a story in the Detroit Free Press, an off-duty Wayne County Sheriff's Deputy was confronted by vice squad officers who found him on Fourth Street with a prostitute,  he then fled from the vice squad officers. The vice squad officers chased him to the corner of Lodge and Forest, where he took out a gun and shot himself. He was taken to a  hospital where he was in critical  condition.  

October 29, 1997. A story in the October 29, 1997 issue of the Detroit News said that 52-year-old Andrew Kozinski of Sterling Heights was sentenced to 30 months in prison for extortion. He was the former chief of detectives in the Hamtramck police department. He had admitted that he cooperated with illegal gambling operations in Hamtramck, in order to get a portion of the gambling money.


January 28, 1998. A story published in the January 28, 1998 issue of the Detroit News was titled: "7 women accuse 2 Detroit cops of sexual harassment". The  story said that four of the women worked at the 9th precinct station, and accused  police inspector Oscar Dixon of making "unwanted sexual advances". Another officer who was assigned to the 8th precinct was also accused.  

March 17, 1998. It was reported in a local newspaper on March 17, 2998 that a Detroit police officer named Alan Butler was arrested and charged with felony embezzlement. According to the story, video surveillance cameras obtained pictures of Butler taking more than $2400 worth of electronic equipment from a Circuit City store, at the Oakland Mall. Butler worked as a Detroit police officer and also had a part-time job as a security guard in the Circuit City  store. 

April 16, 1998. A story published in the April 16, 1998 issue of the Detroit Free Press said that more than 120 guns had been lost by the Detroit police. After former mayor Coleman Young died, two guns were found in his estate, and it was determined that they were part of a group of 32 police weapons that former police chief William Hart had signed out but never returned. Hart had been chosen  by Coleman Young as police chief in 1976, and Hart ended up serving an eight-year prison sentence for embezzling $2.3 million from the police department.  The status of the other guns was said to be 'a mystery'.

May 12, 1998. An Ecorse police detective named John Anderson was ordered to stand trial on charges that he sexually attacked a 43-year-old woman.

June 2, 1998. A former Detroit police officer  named Lester Sanders pleaded guilty to sex charges and was sentenced to 15 to 25 years in prison. He had been having sex with his daughter and had videotaped the sexual acts. 

June 11, 1998. A Royal Oak Township police officer named Michael Bourquin was held in jail without bond on charges that he  sexually assaulted a woman from Grand Blanc in her home.

November 5, 1998. Television news reports said that Detroit police lost more than $300 worth of cocaine that was confiscated in the 9th precinct. The story was not reported in local  newspapers in the next day.

November 9, 1998. A birthday party for a Roseville police sergeant resulted in seven members of the department being suspended when it was discovered that a stripper had been hired to entertain them during the party. The party was attended by officers who should have been patrolling, they were charged with neglect of duty.

December 1, 1998. A local newspaper reported that a Dearborn police officer was being put on trial, he was accused of taking bribes from criminals to support what was called 'a severe gambling habit'.  The officer, named Bob Suarez, had been working for the Dearborn police for more than 20 years before he was fired in  1997. He was also accused of taking property that had been seized by the police, and trying to sell the property at pawn shops, including as much as $100,000 worth of jewelry. He was also accused of driving a police car to go gambling at casinos in Windsor, Ontario, more than 100 times while he was on duty. 


January 20, 1999. It was reported in a local newspaper on January 20, 1999 that an 84-year-old pharmacist named William Schwartz was involved in a federal court case because he was selling illegal drug paraphernalia. He claimed that two Detroit police officers gave him permission to sell the items, and they led him to believe that the items were not illegal. The paraphernalia in question was chemical additives, the type that are typically added to cocaine. Although the police told Schwartz that the additives were legal, they are actually illegal, and selling the additives carries a three-year prison sentence for anyone who is convicted.  Schwartz said the Detroit police officer who told him the additives were legal was Gary Johnson. In court testimony, Schwartz also said that Gary Johnson's wife and his brother, Jerry Johnson, had worked at his store. Schwartz claimed that Jerry Johnson did 'security work' at the store. 

February 5, 1999. The February 5, 1999 issue of the Detroit Free Press published an article that was titled: 'Gang informant says cop attacked him for snitching'. The article says that a 24-year-old Detroit police officer named Frankie Sanchez Jr. was accused of attacking a man  in a brawl  at a bar called  Wild Woody's. Sanchez, who was off-duty at the time, was accused of attacking the man by hitting him with a beer bottle. The motive for the attack was said to be a connection to one of his relatives, who was supposedly linked to a drug gang. Sanchez claimed that the informant he attacked had 'snitched' on one of his relatives, who was linked to a gang of drug dealers.

May 4, 1999. The May 4, 1999 issue of the Detroit Free Press had an article titled: 'Off-duty Detroit cop arrested in gun death'. The story said that a 32-year-old  Detroit police officer named Pete Taylor was arrested in connection with the death of 27-year-old Larry Williams. The story claimed that Taylor and Williams knew each other, and they began arguing with each other in the parking lot of of the Riverside Roller Skating Arena on Plymouth Road in Livonia, when Taylor shot Williams in the chest.

May 28, 1999. The May 28, 1999 issue of the Detroit Free Press had an article that was titled: 'Officer charged in prison rape'. The article said that a 37-year-old Detroit police officer named Gary Abate  was suspended without pay  after it was determined through an internal investigation that  he had sexually assaulted a female prisoner in jail.  

August 31, 1999. It was reported in a local newspaper on August 31, 1999 that a Redford Township police officer named Matthew P. Bain was charged with sex crimes against prostitutes.  It was alleged that Bain found prostitutes who were using cocaine, and he threatened to arrest them for the cocaine, but said he wouldn't arrest them if they had sex with him. Bain was charged with five counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of armed robbery, and four counts of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. In one incident, it was alleged that he stole $60 from a woman.

September 22, 1999. A Clinton Township police officer named Jerry Cornett was fired because he was involved in a sexual assault case. He was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct.

October 16, 1999. The Detroit Free Press published a story that said a former Detroit police officer named Paul Harrington was accused of killing his  two wives and three children, over a 25-year period.  He killed his first wife  and her two daughters in 1975 but did not go to prison because he was judged to be insane and he was placed in a mental institution.   After being released from the institution, he remarried and had a job at a steel company. In October, 1999, he killed his second wife and her 3-year-old son because he had lost his job at the steel company and he said that he killed them because he could no longer support them, due to the loss of his job. In a story published in the October 19, 1999 issue of the Detroit Free Press, Harrington said that killing them was an "act of kindness" because they would have ended up homeless, because he had lost his job.       

November 29, 1999. Two Detroit police officers were charged with rape. It was alleged that they raped a prostitute while they were on duty, driving a marked police car. The two officers charged were Carlos Hollis and Cornell Brown. It was alleged that they arrested a woman who was described as  a 'known prostitute'  and offered to release her if she had sex with them.  The woman was driven to Dearborn where she had sex with both of them, later she filed rape charges against them.

December 7, 1999. A Birmingham police officer named Anthony Serio was arrested for drunk driving. He had crashed a truck owned by the police department into a car in Washington Township in Macomb county.


February 11, 2000.  A newspaper reported that a Detroit police sergeant was arraigned on February 11  on charges that he forced a woman to touch him and took lewd photos of her during a routine traffic stop. According to the story,  41-year-old     Detroit police sergeant  David Witherspoon  pulled over a   25-year-old female driver at the corner of Outer Drive and West Seven Mile on February 6, 2000.    After checking her driver's license, registration and proof of insurance, he began making sexual advances, and unbuttoned her blouse and took pictures of her exposed breasts.  He also tried to get her to remove her pants,  and she refused.   After the incident he followed her home and watched her go inside. According to the     investigator's report, pictures of the woman were found in Witherspoon's locker in the police station's locker room.   

March 8, 2000. It was reported in a local newspaper that a Westland police officer named Steven Jaworski had been arraigned on charges of sexual misconduct. He was accused of touching a woman inappropriately  while frisking her during a traffic stop.

April 28, 2000. The April 28, 2000  issue of the Detroit Free Press had an article titled: 'Hackel is 6th to cross line'. The story said that Macomb County Sheriff William Hackel is the sixth local sheriff to 'cross the line'  and  get himself arrested  for a violation of law. He was the sixth sheriff in Michigan since 1966 to be found guilty of a felony while in office. 58-year-old William Hackel was found guilty of two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct. The story said that he had raped an acquaintance  at a hotel in Mount Pleasant on October 11, 1999.  

July 7, 2000. It was reported in a local newspaper that a motorcycle patrol officer named Craig Muller had killed his baby son, and then killed himself. Police in the city of Westland  found the bodies of Muller and his infant son in their house in Westland on July 6, 2000. 

August 23, 2000. It was reported in a newspaper on August 23, 2000 that a Dearborn police was accused of ignoring major cases. A police officer named Mary Ellen Coffee being investigated by the Dearborn Police Review Board regarding cases that dated back eight years. The story said at least two of the cases were homicides. Nepotism may have been a factor in her case, since her father was a former Dearborn police chief and a former city finance director.

September 15, 2000. A 28-year-old Detroit police officer named Marcus Franklin was arrested and charged with robbery. He was accused of stealing $600,000 from an armored car in Southgate.

October 12, 2000. A Detroit police officer named Raphael Hawkins  was sentenced to  a one-year work-release program and five years of probation because he pleaded no contest to the attempted rape of a 17-year-old prisoner who was incarcerated in the 7th precinct jail. The victim (who was male) had been imprisoned for failure to pay traffic tickets.  The story published in the Detroit News said that Hawkins would spend a year in jail but would be released daily so he could work in a factory.

October  31, 2000. A Detroit police officer named Jon Chaisson was charged with two felonies in Traverse City after he was accused of pulling a gun on two teenagers.  He had been driving, and had been stopped at a traffic light when he saw two teenagers in another car. He laughed at them, and one of the teenagers responded by giving him an obscene gesture.  After the light turned green he followed them and confronted them, pointing his pistol at the driver of the other car. No charges were filed against the teenagers.   


February 23, 2001. According to a report broadcast on Channel 2 News, a woman named Stephanie Robinson had her belongings destroyed by her husband, who is a police officer in the city of Inkster. She said that her husband trashed her house, destroyed her TV set, and destroyed every article of her clothing. The Inkster police department said they had taken him off active duty.   

March 15, 2001. A Detroit police officer  named Mark Heath was sentenced to one year in jail when he pleaded guilty to misconduct in public office. He was the subject of a four-year-long investigation that began in February 1997, in which he was accused of accepting bribes, robbing and assaulting citizens, possessing  and delivering drugs, protecting drug dealers, and selling guns.   

March 29, 2001. A local newspaper reported on March 29, 2001 that the Detroit police has lost 12 million dollars worth of cocaine. It said the cocaine had been obtained through drug arrests, and was being held in the police evidence room when it was discovered to be missing. The 35 kilograms of cocaine was obtained in a drug arrest in 1993. 

May 3, 2001. It was reported in a news paper that a 31-year-old woman from Bloomfield  Hills had filed a lawsuit against a Berkley police officer, and had accused the officer of sexual harassment. Her suit claims that on May 3, 1998, she was arrested by officer Berkley police officer  Brent Smith, for drunken driving. She claims in the suit that Smith put his hands on her breasts and genitals, and later, when she was taken to the police station, he watched her urinate. She was the third woman to accuse Smith of sexual misconduct, there was an 18-year-old  woman who said that on December 23, 2000, Smith assaulted her after she left a bar in Berkley, and reached down into her dress and touched her. A 16-year-old girl also said that Smith molested her in 1998.  

June 1, 2001. A woman from Detroit named Demetra Freeman filed a lawsuit against the city of Pontiac, for false arrest and false imprisonment. She said that she was arrested by Pontiac police for bank robbery and fraud, but she said she could not have committed the bank robbery that she was accused of because she was incarcerated in the Wayne County Jail and the time. She also presented proof of her incarceration. 

June 1, 2001. A former prison guard who had worked at the Western Wayne Correctional Facility in Plymouth, Michigan was sentenced to 16 months in prison on a drug charge. The  guard, named Anthony Andra Ford, pleaded guilty to smuggling cocaine into the prison.

June 1, 2001. A Shelby Township police officer named Daniel Bukowski was arraigned on two charges of manslaughter with a motor vehicle and two counts of felonious driving in the case of a traffic accident that killed a 12-year-old girl. Two 8-year-old girls were also injured. He was off-duty at the time. 

September 18, 2002. It was reported in a local newspaper that a 27-year-old Berkley, Michigan police officer named Brent Smith was found guilty of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old woman in the back of his police car in December, 2000.   


March 11, 2002. A Detroit police officer named Chet Gardner was suspended because he was suspected of  using a counterfeit $20 bill to buy drinks at a bar. He allegedly used the $20 bill to buy $15 worth of drinks at Nick's Bar on Ecorse Road in Romulus.    

March 30, 2002. It was reported in the March 30, 2002 issue of the Detroit Free Press that two Pontiac police officers, named Paul Flaviani and Jason Teelander, had been suspended without pay after stealing a bag of guitar strings from a man.


January 12, 2003. It was reported in the January 12,  2003 issue of the Macomb Daily that a man in Mount Clemens named Robert Paxton had filed a lawsuit against the Mount Clemens police, his suit alleges wrongful arrest and mistreatment. Paxton was involved in a traffic incident on northbound Gratiot avenue, and Paxton claimed that an officer named Robert Hey, and several others beat him, stomped on his groin, causing 'intense pain in his testicles', according to the story.  

October 1, 2003. It was reported in the October 7, 2003 issue of the Macomb Daily that a Detroit police officer named Martin G. Bandemer was arrested for drunk driving in Macomb Township. He was driving a Ford Explorer on Interstate 94 and witnesses saw him weaving back and forth between lanes. He was pulled over by the police at 23 Mile and Card road.  Bandemer is the president of the Detroit police officers union.  


January 17, 2004. It was reported in the January 17, 2004 issue of the Oakland Press that a former Oakland County sheriff's deputy named John Gomez was accused of having thousands of images of child pornography, and he was facing criminal charges. 20 charges were filed against him, including charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. On May 5, 2004, there was a story about Gomez published in the Detroit Free Press that said he had admitted that he bought child pornography, and he had been given a one-year jail term, and three years probation..   


January 5, 2005.  A newspaper article said  a Detroit police officer named Ceiere Campbell was accused of stealing illegal drugs, and then inducing drug addicts to use the drugs. When the addicts used the drugs stolen by Campbell, Campbell would take pictures of them, and put the pictures on his website, which was described as a 'drug website'. Campbell allegedly gave marijuana, cocaine, and heroin to  more than 50 people so he could photograph them and put the pictures on his website. This was discovered in May, 2003, when police raided Campbell's  home and found illegal drugs and also found waivers, that people had signed. The waivers gave Campbell permission to use pictures on his website. 

January 30, 2005. A Detroit police officer named Steven Compton was accused of hitting a man with the pickup truck he was driving, and killing him. He was accused of crashing his pickup truck in to 19-year-old Marvin Shaina, on the I-75 service drive near Park and Woodward. Compton was off-duty at the time of the incident, and was drunk. He was charged charged with manslaughter with a motor vehicle, and drunk driving.  

April 28, 2005. It was reported in the April 28, 2005 issue of the Macomb Daily that an Eastpointe police officer named Daniel Mathison had been charged with two felonies because he had tried to set up a meeting with a 14-year-old  girl, so he could have sex with her.  He had tried  to use a computer to contact the girl, through a website.    

June 9, 2005. A newspaper story published June 9, 2005 said that three Detroit police officers had been suspended for various incidents of misconduct.

June 9, 2005. A story published in the June 5, 2005  issue of the Macomb Daily said that two former Mount Clemens police officers were sentenced to jail terms for beating a motorist they arrested. The officers, Patrick Carson and Robert Hey, were convicted of beating a man named Robert Paxton in July, 2002.      

One officer, named Douglas McDonald, has been charged with a criminal offense, he was off-duty and driving  on the 16800 block of Monica street in Detroit on November 8, 2004,  when a man poured a bottle of pop on his  car. McDonald got out of his car, showed his badge, and pointed his gun at the man, and then ordered him to clean the pop off his car. The man refused, and filed a complaint against McDonald.  Another officer, named Vicki Bailey, was caught in the city of Inkster by an Inkster police officer smoking crack cocaine in her car. She was also facing charges of drunk driving. Another officer, named James Sheely, was accused of using marijuana. He had testing positive for marijuana, in a routine drug screening,  and it was the third time he had tested positive.  

March 29, 2005. A 43-year-old former Detroit police officer named Donald Hynes was convicted of stealing cocaine and selling it. Between 1994 and 2000 Hynes and an accomplice named John Cole (Cole was described as a civilian employee of the police department) stole more than 80 kilograms of cocaine from the police evidence room, and sold it for more than $840,000. Hynes had used the  police department's computer system to list the cocaine as 'destroyed'. Hynes faces between 10 and 25 years in prison.  


April 21, 2006. A 28-year-old Dearborn, Michigan police officer named Edward Sanchez called the 911 emergency number and asked for help, and said that he had taken an overdose of marijuana. He said that he and his wife had eaten brownies that contained marijuana, and when he called 911 he said that he was afraid  he would die. This incident was also mentioned in an article in the May 13, 2007 issue of the Lansing State Journal. The article in the Lansing State Journal was titled 'Ex-policeman won't face charges'. The article said  that Sanchez resigned from the police department, but no criminal charges were filed against him. Sanchez had a wife named Stacy Sanchez, who had admitted to the police that, on one occasion, she had removed cocaine from her husband's police car, and had used the drug on a three-week spree. 

October 12, 2006. A local newspaper reported on October 12, 2006 that a Detroit police officer named Lance Newman was accused of swindling the family of a murder victim. It was alleged that Newman stole $12,000 from the family of a 21-year-old  woman who had been murdered, while he was investigating the murder. He claimed that the victim's family had to  give him money to pay for  housing for witnesses in the case, and Newman pocketed the money when it was handed over  to him.

October 12, 2006. A story published in the October 12, 2006 issue of the Macomb Daily said that a police officer in Roseville accidentally left a taser on the roof of his police car, and he forgot it was there. He drove off, and the taser fell off the car's roof and landed in the parking lot.  A man from Warren named David Schiebel  apparently found the taser and took it home with him. When the police caught up with him, they charged him with felony possession of a taser, and larceny. The police said they had video surveillance footage that showed him picking up the taser, and taking it with him. 


January 19, 2007. A Detroit police officer named Tabitha McCree died after she shot  herself in the stomach.  She had  been arguing with her husband and  later drove to the  corner of West Vernor Highway and Saint Anne where she got out of her car and shot herself. Her husband, Jaimy Mc Cree, was also a Detroit police officer.  


May 16, 2010. On may 16, 2010, the Detroit  police had a warrant to arrest a man named Chauncey Owens. Their warrant said that Owens lived at 4056 Lillibridge Street, and Owens was involved in illegal drugs. The house was a duplex, which is house divided into two halves. Each half of the house is designated with it's own address. It's basically a house that has two front doors, two mailboxes (one for each address) and is rented to two different people. One half of the house was designated as 4054, the other half was 4056. The police went to the wrong side of the house, broke the window, and threw in an explosive that was described as a 'flash-bang grenade' and then went into the house and shot a seven-year-old girl in the head. The girl was killed. The girl had been sleeping on a couch at the time she was killed. The police had gone to the wrong half of the house, they had meant to go to 4056 Lillibridge, but they had gone to 4054 instead (After the incident, the police tried to cover up the incident by issuing a search warrant for the other half of the house).

For some unexplained reason, the arrest warrant had been upgraded to a no-knock warrant, which means the police can enter a house or building without knocking on the door before they enter. With a no-knock warrant, they simply kick in the door and run in. One possible reason for the incident was the fact that the police had brought a film crew along with them, so the film crew could film part of a television show. The TV show was a show called 'The First 48', which was produced by a cable TV network called A&E. The  Detroit police brought a vehicle that was described as an 'armored vehicle' and were armed with 'MP5 submachine guns', apparently to make it more interesting for the A&E film crew.

A man who was walking his dog near the house was attacked by police, who forced him to lay down on the sidewalk, and after he laid on the sidewalk,  the police stepped on his neck with their boots, apparently to make it look good for the TV film crew. The 7-year-old girl who was killed was named Aiyana Stanley-Jones. She was  shot six seconds after the officers entered the house.  The Detroit police also lied about the actual murder of the girl, claiming she was shot in the neck, while she had actually been shot in the head.


March 10, 2011. A Southgate police officer named Emmanuel Paravas resigned from the police department. He had been accused of raping a woman  at the Holiday Inn hotel on  February 9, 2011.   He was eventually found innocent of the rape charge but was found guilty of misconduct in office.

July 7, 2011. A local newspaper reported that a Detroit police officer named Lemuel Wilson was under the influence of drugs when he crashed his patrol car on July 7, 2011, on eastbound I-96 hear Martin Luther King Boulevard. The car  Wilson was driving burst into flames, and he was pulled out of the flaming wreckage by a witness.  He resigned from the police department after the incident and was facing criminal charges.

October 24, 2011. It was reported in a local newspaper  that a woman who was driving with children in her car was rammed by a Southfield police officer. The woman, Cheryl McCarty, was driving her three grandchildren to school when she was stopped by a Southfield police officer named Keith Birberick. He said she had illegally passed a school bus. He gave her a ticket  for passing the school bus, and left. When she tried to start her car, she discovered that it wouldn't start, because it had a dead battery. She was stuck stalled on the roadside for about 20 minutes, when officer Birberick came back.  He was angry when he saw that she was  still there, so he rammed her car with his car. The impact was so forceful that it sent McCarty's three grandchildren flying out of their seats. Birberick continued to ram her car repeatedly, and by doing this, he pushed her car to a nearby gas station. Birberick then left, without saying a word. McCarty went to the police station the next  day to file a complaint. Officers investigating the complaint noted that the dashcam video of the incident had been destroyed by Birberick.         

November 16, 2011. An article in the November 18, 2011 issue of the Detroit News said that a Macomb County sheriff's deputy pulled his gun on the wrong man, and the man ran until he fell into the Clinton River and drowned. The incident  occurred on November 16, 2011 when a sheriff's deputy was investigating a robbery report at the Walgreen's store at 1045 South Gratiot Avenue. He confronted a man who matched the description of the suspect, and drew his gun immediately, without saying anything. The man,  25-year-old Scott Peabody, ran away when the saw the deputy and fell into the Clinton River, a short distance away and drowned.


August 23, 2012. A man in Troy filed  a lawsuit against the Troy police department, alleging that the Troy police took money from his wife, after his wife died. The suit was filed by Rodney Knutson who was visiting relatives in Wisconsin on July 2, 2012, when he learned that his wife had died. According  to the lawsuit, Knutson was on his way home when he spoke by telephone to Troy police who wanted to know if Knutson wanted the police to 'safeguard' a large amount of money that was found with his deceased wife. They said that they found $5,200 in a dresser in the bedroom and $1,630 in the bathroom (a total of $6830).   A Troy police detective named Robert Wolfe put the money in an envelope, and the envelope was marked $5,200 (not $6,830).  When the     money in the envelope was counted, it was found to contain only $4,200. The suit alleged that the police stole or lost the money.


April 9, 2013. A new story said that a Detroit police officer named Johnny Strickland was accused of insurance fraud, two year earlier. He had filed a false insurance claim over the theft of a motorcycle, and the Detroit Police recommended a 30-day suspension for Strickland. He was appealing the suspension.

September 23, 2013. A 43-year-old Detroit police officer named Geoffrey Townsend was sentenced to 10-15 years in prison for having sex with at least two teenage girls. He was found guilty on six counts. The girls he had sex with were in a so-called 'program for troubled teens', this program was called 'Reality Check Detroit, and according to news reports, the program was founded by Townsend himself. The program was described as a 'non-profit crime prevention center for youths between the ages of 6 and 14'. Between October 2010 and August 2012, Townsend had sex with girls at his house in Farmington Hills.   


March 2, 2014. It was reported in a local newspaper on March 4, 2014 that a Detroit police officer named Dana Bond had been charged with causing a car crash while she was drunk on March 2, 2014.  The41-year-old officer had already been suspended because of a shoplifting incident. She had crashed her car into another car at the corner of Memorial road and Plymouth road. Two people in the other car were injured, and Bond tried to drive away, but crashed into a snow bank.  Bond was arrested on drunk driving charges. Bond had been suspended because  of two shoplifting charges, on August 19, 2013 and August 28, 2013. In those incidents, she was accused of stealing various items from stores, including wine. She was arraigned on the drunk driving charges.

March 11, 2014. It was reported on March 11 that a Detroit police officer named Deon Nunlee was accused of raping a 31-year-old woman in Detroit. It was alleged that Nunlee raped her in her bedroom after she called 911 to report that she was a victim of a sexual assault by her boyfriend. Nunlee arrived at the woman's house with two other officers, and Nunlee took the woman into an upstairs bedroom and raped her while the other two officers waited downstairs with the woman's boyfriend. At the time of this report, there were two other Detroit police officers who were facing charges of misconduct, Johnny Ray Bridges was charged with unlawful imprisonment, assault with intent to cause great bodily harm, domestic violence, and reckless discharge of a firearm. Dana Bond was charged with failing to stop at the scene of a personal injury accident, failure to stop at the scene of an accident with property damage, she was accused of driving while drunk and causing an accident.  

October 13, 2014. It was  reported in the October 13, 2014 issue of the  New York  Daily News that a Detroit police officer named Alex Vinson had been suspended when he was found wearing an expensive watch that he stole from a homicide victim. 


February 20, 2015. A Detroit police officer named Christos Kyriakides was charged with larceny from a building by the Wayne county prosecutor. The incident involved Kyriakides stealing  an item described as a  framed 'Scarface' movie collage, and putting it in his squad car, he later transferred the stolen item  to his personal car.    

February 23, 2016. A 38-year-old Detroit police officer named Deloma Stone was arrested for being drunk at a bar, and was charged with  possession of a firearm while under the influence.  The police were called on February 23, at the Golden Greek bar,  on Eight Mile road,  and she was arrested at the bar.

October 27, 2015. There was a report in the news media that said two Detroit police officers were charged with misconduct and theft. The officers accused of the crimes were 28-year-old Charles Lynem and 31-year-old Chancellor Searcy. They were accused of taking money from people that they 'patted down' during arrests. Between March 2013 and September 2014 they allegedly took money from a man they arrested at a gas station and from two other men who they 'patted down' during arrests.  They were also accused of 'fabricating' charges against a man who they claim was carrying a concealed weapon on September 27, 2014. They were charged with embezzlement, larceny, misconduct and falsely reporting a felony. Searcy faced charges in two other cases, in one case, he was accused of taking money from a man on August 4, 2014. In another incident he was accused of taking money from another man on August 10, 2014. 


April 12, 2016. A news story published April 12, 2016 said that an Allen Park police officer named Tracie Brown was sexually harassed by another Allen Park police officer.  She claimed  that Sergeant Daniele Cerroni unzipped his pants in front of her, and grabbed her hand, and tried to push her hand on to his crotch. In another incident, he choked  her, putting is hand around her neck and squeezing her neck so hard that it closed her airway. Officer Brown filed charges against Cerroni.  

August 29, 2016. A Dearborn police officer was charged with sexually assaulting a woman. 36-year-old Justin Smith was accused of 'groping' a woman during a traffic stop. He was charged with  second-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony. 

November 11, 2016. A radio broadcast on WWJ said a Canton police officer had been suspended after posting 'racially charged remarks' online.

November 17, 2016. A  48-year-old Wayne County Sheriff's Deputy named Thomas Pedersen was charged with four counts of criminal sexual conduct involving a child under the age of thirteen. According to news reports, Pedersen told police officers he 'needed mental help' for 'issues involving a child'.   

November 18, 2016. A lawsuit against the Detroit police was filed on November 18, 2016, because of an incident that occurred on August 26, 2016 in Detroit. The suit was filed by Hassan Abdallah and  Ibrahim Bazzi (both 17 years old, from Dearborn) and Ali Chami (18 years old, from Romulus). The incident began when police claimed that the three teenagers had been trying to warn one of their relatives to avoid a trap set by police, so their relative could avoid getting arrested for prostitution. Apparently, the police had some kind of undercover operation going on at a restaurant in Detroit called Ceasar's Coney Island, in the neighborhood of Winthrop and Warren, the operation involved a decoy that was actually an undercover police officer. The three teenagers started yelling and waving their arms to  warn one of their relatives while he was going towards the decoy. According to police, they appeared to be discouraging the man from talking to the decoy. The three teenagers were charged with interfering with the police, but these charges were later dropped. When the three teenagers were arrested by Detroit police, the three were driven around in a police car 'at reckless speeds' without the lights and siren being turned on, and later they were dropped off in the middle of Detroit and were told that they had to walk back to Dearborn. One police officer took a picture of one of the handcuffed teenagers and posted it on the internet, and laughed and joked about the incident. The police also impounded their car and told them it would cost them thousands of dollars to get it back. Four police officers were named in the lawsuit, they were Michael Carson, Joseph Machon, Ibrahim Abdul-Hamid, and Jordan Leavy.



January 18, 2017. It was reported that a former Michigan state police officer named Seth Swanson pleaded guilty to one felony count of embezzlement and one felony count of uttering and publishing. According to authorities, Swanson had been taking vehicle inspection fees that he wasn't entitled to by falsifying Michigan Secretary of State documents. Between August 2014 and December 2015, he had taken a total of $170,000. Swanson was suspended without pay on February 10, 2015, and he resigned from the force on October 24, 2016.  Swanson, who lived in Royal Oak, used the money he stole to pay for plastic surgery, vacations, and construction work done on his house.  

February 22, 2017. A Detroit police officer named Miguel Martinez was named in federal charges of possession, receipt, and distribution of child pornography.

 February 27, 2017. A retired Detroit police officer barricaded himself in his house and fired more than 30 shots with a gun. He had been a member of the Detroit police department for 20 years and had been retired for eight years. After he was captured, his house was searched and police found grenades, grenade launchers, and other weapons. Initial media  reports did not reveal the name of the retired officer.

April 7, 2017. A Detroit police officer named Kwame Powell was arrested in Highland Park and charged with domestic violence. He had been accused of beating his girlfriend.

September 18, 2017. It was announced in a news story on  September  18, 2017 that  a Hazel park police officer named Sean Boucher was being investigated for embezzling $85,000 from the city of Hazel Park.

November 29, 2017. It was reported  on WWJ radio that  a Roseville police officer (who was off-duty at the time) was identified as a drunk driver, he was driving the wrong way on Woodward Avenue. The story said that he was not given a drunk-driving test, and he was not arrested.  


April 22, 2018.  A Detroit police officer named Willie Fortner, who had worked at the fifth precinct had been arrested when he fought with his girlfriend and then pulled out his gun when people came to help his girlfriend. This occurred downtown at the corner of Fort and Beaubien at about 2 AM. He was off-duty at the time of  this incident.  

April 26, 2018. An  Oakland County Sheriff's Reserve deputy named Daniel Vasquez was indicted on six counts of illegally filling prescriptions for the drug oxycodone, and then selling the pills on the street, for a profit. According to the report, he had over 97,000 of these pills, which were sold on the street for $22 each.  

August 2, 2018. A man who had been fired from the Detroit police department had been sentenced to probation in a case that began in 2016 when he attacked and beat a man. Former Detroit police officer Edward Hicks, 29 years old, was sentenced to 18 months probation and 80 hours of  community service. In August, 2016, a man named Deonta Stewart was walking through the Martin Luther King Homes in Detroit when Hicks told him to stop. Stewart ran away and Hicks chased him. When Hicks caught Stewart, he beat him until he bled and Stewart sustained serious injuries to his eye. Hicks reportedly asked Stewart to lie about how he got the injuries. Hicks was convicted of misdemeanor aggravated assault and felony misconduct in office.  


January 15, 2019. Police officers in Troy, Michigan had stolen food from the Troy Fire Department. The food was described as 'snacks'. A joint statement issued by the Troy Police and Troy Fire Department said that the officers had been punished, but did not say what the punishment was.

 August 22, 2019. A Detroit police officer named Michael Mosley was indicted by a federal grand jury for two counts of bribery. He was accused of taking $150,000 in cash bribes from a drug dealer.

July 28, 2019. A 65-year-old retired Detroit police officer named Kenneth Cook was arrested when he pulled up to a waterfront restaurant in Wyandotte in a boat. The  boat had six women in it, news reports described them as 'bikini-clad women' who were 'half his age'. Cook and the women in his boat were drunk and obnoxious, and so restaurant employees refused  to serve them.  After they were denied service and asked to leave, Cook and the women in his boat became abusive, and started cussing and swearing, and hurling threats and insults at the restaurant employees. The police were called, and when police arrived, they told Cook to get out of the boat, but he refused, and he left in his boat, while giving an obscene gesture to police with his middle finger. He was chased by police officers from the Wayne County Marine Division and  he was arrested near the Ambassador Bridge.     


March 6, 2020.  A female police officer accidentally shot herself while she was working in police headquarters in downtown Detroit.

May 1, 2020. A local radio station reported  on May 1, 2020 that an off-duty Detroit police officer was arrested for drunk  driving. He had been driving on the 18700 block of Fitzpatrick street, near Southfield road and Plymouth road, when he crashed the pickup truck he was driving into a building, at about 4:30 AM. His name was not revealed in the news broadcast.

April 30, 2020. An off-duty Detroit Police officer was arrested for drunk driving near the corner of Southfield Road and Plymouth Road. He was driving his own personal vehicle ( a Ford F-150) and he crashed it into a building. The name of the officer was not revealed in the news report. 

May 24, 2020. A former Hamtramck police officer was detained by police after he was accused of shooting his son.  56-year-old police detective Michael Szymanski was accused of shooting his son, 30-year-old Steven Szymanski in the stomach during a dispute at a Memorial Day gathering, at their house near the corner of 22 Mile and Hayes in Macomb Township.

July 4, 2020. A Warren police officer was arrested on charges of assault and domestic violence, he was off-duty at the time he was arrested. The Macomb County sheriff's deputies went to a house  in Washington Township  on July 4 and arrested Anwar Khan According to reports, Khan went into the woods near the house with two men, and assaulted one of them, while the other man ran away. Khan then went inside the house and assaulted a woman who was sleeping, then threatened to assault another woman. One of the men said Khan pointed a gun at them, Khan's weapons were confiscated when  he was arrested.

August 20, 2020. Two  Harper Woods police officers were terminated because they concealed evidence related to the investigation into the death of Priscilla Slater, who died while in police custody in a Harper Woods jail.

September 12, 2020. A Detroit police officer hit a pedestrian on Beaubien near Monroe street, shortly after midnight, according to Channel four news.

November 25, 2020. A police officer from Dearborn killed himself, his body was found November 25 near the Southfield Freeway and Michigan Avenue. His name was Christopher Hampton, he had been involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Kevin Matthews five years ago, had been cleared of criminal charges in that shooting, but was still facing civil charges when he killed himself. 


January 8, 2021.  A former Hamtramck police officer named Ryan McInerny pleaded guilty to several criminal charges. He had been accused of attacking a motorist during a traffic stop in 2014, causing injuries that included broken facial bones. He had pistol-whipped one person, hitting him in the face with a gun several times, and later filed a false report to cover up the crime. He also admitted to hitting another person in the face with a gun the same day, causing to victim to suffer several broken teeth.

April 29, 2021. A Warren police officer named Kevin Dailey was accused of selling car parts that were obtained from cars that  were impounded at the  auto theft division of the Warren police department.

August 13, 2021. Police in Dearborn were called in to a parking lot near the corner of West Outer Drive and Pelham to investigate what was described as a 'large fight' in the parking lot when a man got in to a police car and drove away with it. They followed him to Beaumont Hospital on Oakwood Boulevard where he crashed the police car into a hospital security vehicle, the man was arrested.

September 16, 2021. A Detroit police officer was arrested by Detroit police on the west side of Detroit after he went on a 'joy ride' in a stolen car. He was chased by Detroit police officers and he got out of the car and ran away when they caught up to him. After he was arrested he was suspended by the police department.


February 18, 2023. Two Detroit police officers were found dead in a a house in Livonia. The house was located near the corner of Farmington Road and Six Mile Road.  The Livonia police investigated the deaths and described them as a 'murder-suicide'. One of the dead was a 26-year-old man, the other was a 22-year-old woman, both of them were Detroit police officers. The Livonia police suspected that the deaths resulted from a 'domestic dispute'. A baby was found in the house, the baby was not harmed, and the baby was released into the custody of relatives.


May 17, 2024. Two Detroit police officers were charged with child abuse. Jared Shaw, and Liana Shaw, both 35 years old, are married to each other, and both of them work for the Detroit police department. They were accused of strangling their two children, one of them 12 years old, the other 15 years old.  The incident is said to have occurred on March 1, 2024 in Genesee county, while the two officers were off duty.